This week marks the one-year anniversary of "15 days to slow the spread" of COVID-19 (as in "coronavirus 2019"). We're almost a third of the way through 2021, and many states are STILL under some kind of draconian, tyrannical lockdown or shutdown. Thankfully, more and more states are beginning to open up and get back to normal.
Someone might want to tell that to Joe Biden. In last night's address to the nation, America's Commander-in-Thief said that, if we do everything the government says, "there's a good chance" we'll be able to gather with friends and family to celebrate Independence Day. That's nearly four months away! (Also, how ironic is it that the government thinks it can grant us permission to celebrate our "independence"?)
As the COVID feardemic continued over the past year, radical Democrats, the Unhinged Left and FAKE NEWS spent much of that time relentlessly fanning their flames of hate for President Trump, patriotic conservatives, faith and traditional values. Here's a short list of other current challenges:
- A fence topped with razor-wire separates the U.S. Capitol Building from the American people.
- Thousands of illegal immigrants are being allowed (even encouraged) to flood across our nation's southern border.
- Congress is spending the U.S. into oblivion, likely burdening our great-grandchildren with $28 trillion in government debt.
- Executive order after executive order emanate from the Oval Office -- even though Joe Biden said in October 2020 that only "a dictator" does that.
Also on the horizon are fights to protect religious liberty, gun rights, the unborn, freedom of speech, personal privacy rights (re: forced vaccines) and more. Conservative patriots are locked in a battle against a radical, extreme and far-Left ideology that's in direct opposition, not only to God's Word, but to our nation's founding principles.
+ + Fight Fear With Faith Using "God Bless America" Yard Signs!
At Grassfire, we're praying URGENTLY for God to bless America in the midst of these troubling and turbulent times. We're asking our Creator for a full measure of His peace, provision and protection. Today, we found a surefire way to push back against the fear-mongering and ugly, political division that our great nation just can't seem to escape.
We're challenging EVERY Grassfire team member to plant a "flag of faith" in their yard this Spring. Use our "God Bless America" yard signs to share a message of hope and encouragement with your family, friends and neighbors. Click here or on the banner below to order one "God Bless America" yard sign for $30, two for $55 and three for $75:
These colorful and patriotic lawn displays are 26" x 16" and come with their own stands for posting outside your home, office, church and/or school. Constructed of rugged, weather-resistant plastic, they can be displayed rain or shine to share an inspiring and uplifting message with your entire community. Not only does Grassfire ship these pro-faith, pro-USA lawn displays ABSOLUTELY FREE, we're STILL offering them at 2020 prices!
We want to get these popular and patriotic yard signs to as many team members as possible to encourage them to trust God -- especially in tough times like these. But Grassfire only has a limited supply available for FREE shipping, so we must hear from you by noon ET on Monday. Receive one "God Bless America" yard sign for $30, two for $55 or three for $75.
Post our exclusive, inspirational yard signs to remind everyone -- especially folks in Washington, D.C. -- that we're STILL "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." But again, we currently have only a few hundred left in stock. So don't wait. Order now and "lock in" at our 2020 prices. Thanks, in advance, for your support.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Spring is coming, and so is Easter. As more and more of America enjoys warmer weather, make sure you have our exclusive "God Bless America" yard signs to share an inspiring, uplifting message with your family, friends and neighbors. Click here or on the banner below to order now:
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