Radicals are moving rapidly to "Defund The Police." Fax your Senators, Rep. and Governor now! Demand they stand with our nation's "Thin Blue Line."
What sounded like an impossibly radical idea -- DEFUND THE POLICE -- is quickly gaining momentum across the country. Local governments are publicly coming against their own law enforcement and moving to strip hundreds of millions of dollars from police budgets.
This is the most radical and dangerous activist agenda ever put forth, and it MUST BE OPPOSED! That's why Grassfire has launched this STAND WITH OUR POLICE FaxFire to your governor, Senators, Representative and other key leaders. Call on your elected officials to reject this radical "defund" movement and stand with the brave men and women who are defending our nation's "thin blue line."
+ + Fax Now To Oppose "Defund The Police" Efforts!
Using Grassfire's unique FaxFire system, you can send a personalized message to your governor, your congressional delegation and select House and Senate leaders -- up to 16 faxes -- for just $15. Go the extra mile by utilizing "Level 2" and "Level 3" to reach EVERY governor and EVERY GOP Senator!
(If you're a Grassfire Premier Member, click here to send "Level 1" faxes for just $3. Not a monthly member? Click here to become a member and send this FaxFire at an 80% discount.)
Demand your elected officials stand with our police and reject this radical agenda! To see a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information, click here.
Once you select your fax level below, you will be directed to a page where you can customize your fax message and finalize your order. (Note: Some governors limit or restrict fax delivery. The STAND WITH OUR POLICE FaxFire attempts to reach those governors for whom we have a recent fax number.)