Reach 11 Democrat Presidential candidates and tell them to Stop Blaming Trump For These Tragedies!

Thanks for taking action on the issue of whether it is right for Democrat politicians and presidential candidates to blame President Trump for the tragic shootings. It is outrageous that these politicians are specifically blaming President Trump, calling him a "white nationalist," and saying he should be banned from the locations of these tragedies.

America's path to healing does NOT include attacking our President and blaming him for what has happened!

++ Fax Dem Presidential candidates and say "Stop The Blame Game"!

Our "Stop Blaming Trump" FaxFire reaches 11 faxable Democrat presidential candidates -- along with your two Senators and Rep -- and gives you an opportunity to let these politicians know that it's time to stop the blame game and come together for real solutions for our culture in crisis. Simply complete the form below to get your message delivered to these leaders. (To see a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information, click here.)

Fax 11 Democrat Presidential Candidates plus your Senators and Rep (up to 14 in all)
Above faxes (up to 14) PLUS $10 contribution to help Grassfire!
Above faxes (up to 14) PLUS $20 contribution to help Grassfire!