In the early 2000s, illegal immigration was just beginning to percolate as an issue of concern on the minds of grassroots Americans. In fact, when Grassfire first began talking about the issue, our own very conservative team members would push back. We were among the first to use the word "invasion" to describe what what happening at our border. Now, just about every conservative uses that term.

But we continued to sound the alarm. By 2006, we were at the forefront of the issue, and our efforts coalesced around a "Stop The Invasion" grassroots effort that rallied hundreds of thousands to take action. That summer, we placed billboards in key markets across the country, including: Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, San Diego and Los Angeles. These billboards led to numerous TV and radio appearances.

Above is a short video recorded at the very busy 405 highway shortly after I had conducted a well-attended media interview. In this video, I predicted an invasion of 60-100 million people over two decades. Sadly, history is confirming that prediction.

Media interest seemed to be incredibly high for this billboard, and I only discovered why later when we held a reception for Grassfire team members at a nearby hotel. During that reception, a husband and wife approached me in tears to thank me for putting up a billboard at the same intersection where their son, a police officer, was killed by an illegal alien. Turns out it was an amazing coincidence.

Below is a very grainy video we did at the San Diego border, back when border patrol actually returned illegals back to Mexico.

Steve Elliott


Steve Elliott is the co-founder of Grassfire, a 1.5 million member liberty-based citizen network. Steve likes to talk about politics, tech, faith and family.