Take a "Stand For Life"... because every baby deserves a birthday!

Abortion is the scourge of our generation -- tens of millions of babies have been lost despite the overwhelming scientific and medical evidence proving that life begins at conception. The recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade creates the opportunity for Americans to STAND FOR LIFE and defend the unborn in every city and state across our land.

If you support the right of EVERY HUMAN to be born, then sign the STAND FOR LIFE petition. We will deliver these petitions to state and federal leaders as notice that Americans are standing for life.

The Petition States:

I'm taking a stand by signing the STAND FOR LIFE petition and joining the growing majority of Americans who believe every baby deserves a birthay. I support any and all judicial and legislative actions that will defend the right of every human to be born. I strongly oppose my tax dollars being used to fund any organization or entity that funds or provides abortion services. Finally, I am praying that God will remove the scourge of abortion from our land.

Will you sign?
246,719 signatures so far. Help us get to 300,000

or Text LIFE to +17572605965 to sign