When I first heard the news, this is how I felt...
I thought my head was going to explode.
Joe Biden's team is actually seriously considering issuing "preemptive pardons" to a host of nefarious characters, including...
And they're just getting started, because others in the cabal are making it known they want to be on the "preemptive" pardon list.
Bill Clinton went on the View to openly lobby for Joe to give Hillary Clinton a preemptive pardon. I'm sure we can add to that list Chris Wray, Merrick Garland, James Comey, everyone on the J6 "committee," and all the prosecutors who dragged President Trump through the legal mud.
It was bad enough that Joe gave his son the broadest reaching pardon in U.S. history, conveniently covering the entire span of the Biden Crime Family's patently illegal multi-million-dollar, international influence peddling scheme.
But this?
+ + How they're inventing the "preemptive pardon"
One would think that even for the Obama-Clinton-Biden cabal, "preemptive pardons" would be a bridge of corruption too far. Here's how they have laid the groundwork...
First, they had to invent a new thing, the "preemptive" pardon. Such a thing has never happened before. Not in U.S. history. We didn't even know what the term meant. I doubt the founders of our nation could have considered the idea that a president would pre-pardon people just in case some future jury of their peers might find them guilty. It's beyond outrageous.
Second, the idea of "preemptive pardons" had to be floated, ever so carefully, so that over time we would be duped into thinking this was something normal.
That's why the idea was first leaked to the press. That's why Bill Clinton went on The View to endorse a pardon for Hillary. That's why US News, Washington Post, CBS, ABC, NBC, Reuters, Politico and every mouthpiece of the Left dutifully created stories about the coming "preemptive pardons" which didn't exist a few hot seconds ago
+ + They're guilty and they know it...
All that's bad. But what makes my head explode is this...
They're all guilty and they know it. The "preemptive pardon" is the ultimate cover-up for their many crimes -- from rigging elections, to creating a fakedemic, to bogus dossiers, to turning the Justice Department against their political opponents, to security "breakdowns" that almost killed President Trump.
But there's one "preemptive pardon" that really makes me most head-exploding mad...
Why does Fauci need a pre-pardon? Because they know he was compromised in creating the "gain of function" research that led to the pandemic and then proceeded to foster a complete hoax of a totalitarian shutdown and jab mandate in order to expand government power and line the pockets of his Deep State allies.
Then, this happened just days ago...
+ + Joe all-but announced he will preemptively pardon his cabal...
During an interview with USA Today in which Biden was specifically asked about preemptively pardoning "people like Liz Cheney and Anthony Fauci," the best Biden could must was, "It depends." And then Joe added:
"I think there are certain people like, if he [Trump] were to, I don't want to name their names. I'll tell you off the record."
This is one of the most outrageous things that has ever been attempted by any President in U.S. history!
+ + Joe will blame President Trump...
And to add insult to injury, Joe will issue the pardons because he simply must.... because it's all Trump's fault. Here's what Joe said when asked about preemptive pardons:
"It depends on some of the language and expectations that Trump broadcast in the last couple of days here as to what he's going to do. The idea that he would punish people for not adhering to what he thinks should be policy as related to his well-being, is outrageous."
This is the party line of the lawless Democrat party. Take what Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa) said in supporting preemptive pardons:
"The time for cautious restraint is over. We must act with urgency to push back against these threats and prevent Trump from abusing his power."
How convenient. They can cover all their crimes with preemptive pardons, and blame Trump.
<< Click here to fax key members of Congress right now and say "NO PARDONS FOR FAUCI, et. al." >>
Sources: USA Today, screen capture from Daily Caller story
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