URGENT: VOTES IMMINENT! 38 Republicans REJECT the MAGA "clean" spending bill! We've identified the key GOP Reps who rejected President Trump. Fax them now below!
Fax Congress Now And Demand Trump's CLEAN SPENDING BILL -- No Dirty, Backroom Pork -- or SHUT IT DOWN!
Congress tried to sneak through another dirty, backroom, "Nightmare Before Christmas" SPENDING SCAM (including a massive pay raise for themselves!), but MAGA citizens have revolted. Now, the UniParty is REJECTING a sensible, CLEAN C.R. that gets the job done WITHOUT the outrageous pork!
Your voice is needed, RIGHT NOW, to tell House Republicans who voted against the MAGA bill to support Trump! Use this FaxFire to immediately reach the key GOP Reps with your personalized message.
FAX LETTERS UPDATED TO ADDRESS THE MAGA Spending Bill! Even if you already sent faxes, please do so again TODAY!
** REACH UP TO 32 GOP House members for just $15! (over 50% discount)
Or go the "extra mile" by choosing "Level Three" faxes and reach up to 177 House Republicans at 78% off!
Once you select your fax level below, you will be directed to a page where you can customize your fax message and finalize your order. (To see a complete list of House targets and their contact information, click here. Read about the FaxFire system's deliverability here.)
(Are you a GrassfireVIP? If so, click here to send your "Shut It Down!" faxes for just $3. Not a GrassfireVIP? Click here to join for only $15 per month.)