Sir or Madame,
We must PROTECT the safety and privacy rights of WOMEN AND YOUNG GIRLS from biological males in women's bathrooms and other public spaces.
That is why I urge you to support Rep. Nancy Mace's legislative effort to PROTECT WOMEN IN BATHROOMS AND ALL PRIVATE SPACES ON ALL FEDERAL PROPERTY -- and to extend this protection of women to women's bathrooms and private spaces in all public places.
Protecting the privacy and safety of women should be a top priority of our nation. Rep. Mace's bill will protect women in bathrooms and other private spaces at federal government settings, including federal workplaces, federal parks and museums and all federally governed spaces.
It is OUTRAGEOUS that we have to even have this discussion. We must protect women and young girls by keeping biological males out of women's bathrooms and private spaces. I urge Congress to immediately pass this legislation, and extend these protections for women to ALL public spaces.
A concerned citizen.
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