Fax Congress with your personal message demanding they PROTECT WOMEN IN BATHROOMS AND PRIVATE SPACES!

Rep. Nancy Mace has filed a bill to protect women in ALL FEDERAL SPACES -- federal workplaces, all our national museums and parks and any federal institutions (see video below).

KEY ACTION: Take 3 minutes to fax key House members and demand they end this insanity and PROTECT WOMEN IN BATHROOMS AND PRIVATE SPACES!

** REACH UP TO 37 GOP House members for just $12! (over 50% discount)


Or go the "extra mile" and choose "Level Three" and reach up to 194 House Republicans at 69% off!

Once you select your fax level below, you will be directed to a page where you can customize your fax message and finalize your order. (To see a complete list of House targets and their contact information, click here. Read about the FaxFire system's deliverability here.)

(Are you a GrassfireVIP? If so, click here to send your "PROTECT WOMEN" faxes for just $3. Not a GrassfireVIP? Click here to join for only $15 per month.)

Fax GOP House leaders and key Republican Reps (up to 37 faxes).
Fax all LEVEL ONE targets, and CHIP IN $10 to help Grassfire build!
Fax the above targets, PLUS dozens of additional GOP Reps, including House Freedom Caucus members (up to 58 total faxes).
Fax all LEVEL TWO targets, and CHIP IN $10 to help Grassfire build!
Fax every GOP House member with a working fax line (up to 194 faxes).
Fax all LEVEL THREE targets and CHIP IN $10 to help Grassfire build.