Peggy Noonan is a Wall Street Journal columnist and former speech writer for President Ronald Reagan. In February of 2016, she wrote a particularly insightful piece about "Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected," which basically predicted that year's presidential results and helped win her a Pulitzer Prize.
Soon after though, Noonan became vehemently anti-Trump, thus her commentary was easy to ignore -- until this week. After the Super Bowl, she penned "America's Longing for Authenticity," a title we found intriguing. Particularly interesting was her take on the Big Game's commercials:
This year's ads were jittery, rather cruel and cynical—Super Bowl ads for a nation of losers. ...
The ad makers must have asked themselves: What does America want? And answered: dumb, loud, depthless and broken. I'm here to say I've met America and that's not what they want. What they want is "Help me live, help my kids live, help me feel something true."
While Grassfire agrees with Noonan's view that we are NOT a "nation of losers," she could have included one more sentiment that Americans want. We desire to be left alone to live our lives free of the hysterical screams, satanic perversions and Godless agenda of the radical, unhinged Left and "woke mob."
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This Presidents' Day, most conservatives can clearly see the ideological battles that still lie ahead -- especially those that involve our current (so-called) "Commander-in-Chief." The House GOP is doing all it can to derail Joe's radical, far-Left agenda, but defeating it is still an uphill battle in a Senate filled with weak-kneed RINOs, who "go along to get along."
That's why Grassfire is convinced that our combined efforts and impact have never been more vital to saving America. Our mission is to REPORT TRUTH that empowers you to TAKE ACTION on the key issues of our day. Grassfire wants to empower you to engage in this fight! To do that, we need your support like never before.
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Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
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Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected (The Wall Street Journal)
America's Longing for Authenticity (The Wall Street Journal)
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