We want to share more from the magazine article highlighted in yesterday's "Equality" Act update. (See below.) Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie has written for FOX News, National Review, USA Today and other news organizations. In an online piece published yesterday by Angelus, she warns that the anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill, H.R.5, would lead to "vast mountains of discrimination" if signed into law:
The first to feel the impact would be women and girls. It is our female sex that makes us women especially vulnerable to unscrupulous men who would physically or sexually abuse us, and also what makes the possibility of a fair physical contest between a man and a woman impossible.
The Equality Act, if made law, would enable any male, by simply declaring himself a woman, to enter private female-only spaces at will, like changing rooms, jails, shelters, and dormitories. Women’s sports, a relatively new historical phenomenon, would cease to exist as soon as males (even those taking estrogen) with their years of testosterone-enhanced muscular and skeletal development could enter women’s contests.
Also, radical Democrats, the Unhinged Left and the "woke mob" are specifically targeting people of faith with the so-called Equality Act. This dangerous and extreme legislation expressly FORBIDS religious free-exercise claims as a defense against it by invalidating "The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993." H.R.5 threatens to put Christians and others with sincerely held religious beliefs on the wrong side of the law!
Joe Biden and his Democrat colleagues were unable to pass the misnamed Equality Act in his "First 100 Days," but that doesn't mean the fight is over. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has positioned the bill so it can be voted on at any time! But he needs 10 GOP Senators to "break ranks" and support the legislation for it to become law.
Tell Republicans to stand strong and stay united to ensure that religious liberty is NOT sacrificed on the "altar" of political correctness! If you oppose this anti-faith, anti-women, anti-girl, anti-child and anti-science bill, make your voice heard now by utilizing Grassfire's "Stop The 'Equality' Act!" FaxFire. Click here to immediately send your personalized message to Senators now.
For a list of FaxFire targets and their contact information, go here. Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Again, if you missed yesterday's "Equality" Act update, we've included it below. Find out why a medical doctor warns that the bill's "31 pages of social engineering" would compromise the "innocence of children and the protection of women." Or click here to instantly send your personalized "Stop The 'Equality' Act!" faxes to 50 GOP Senators and Sen. Manchin for only $30, or reach all 100 U.S. Senators for only $50:
+ + + + + + +
Monday morning:
The Catholic journal Angelus has published a brilliant online article, attacking the so-called Equality Act. Written by Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, a prominent, pro-life medical doctor, "The inequalities of the Equality Act" exposes the danger and hypocrisy of the anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ legislation:
The Equality Act comprises 31 pages of social engineering designed to transform countless aspects of American lives, including the most private and intimate. Its tremendous reach is made possible by its central conceit — that the simple fact, understood by toddlers everywhere, that humans (like all mammals) come in two sexes, male and female, can be changed by government fiat.
Instead of the clarity of sex, it proposes a jumble of jargon and wishful thinking about the power of self-definition and the exaltation of sexual proclivity over everything we used to hold sacred, like the innocence of children and the protection of women.
Dr. Christie makes the compelling case that H.R.5 should actually be named the "Inequality Act" because it threatens to "make religious Americans a lot less equal than they are now." As a medical doctor, the author expresses great concern that refusing "to perform or support abortions would be considered 'pregnancy discrimination.'" She also warns against the bill's forced "transitioning" of sexually confused children.
A therapist or psychiatrist would have to immediately send a child with gender dysphoria down the transition chute toward a lifetime of physical and psychological dysfunction. This is especially tragic when we know that more than 80% of minors with dysphoria grow out of their self-rejection with appropriate support. It would be illegal to offer that support, even if the patient and her parents desired it.
+ + Take Action To "Stop The 'Equality' Act!" By Faxing Senators Now!
Joe Biden promised to sign a pro-homosexual, pro-transgender bill into law during his "First 100 Days" in office, but he failed. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) doesn't have the 60 votes needed to pass H.R.5, but he has positioned the bill so that it can be voted on at any time. That means grassroots patriots must continue to push back if they want to "Stop The 'Equality' Act!"
Democrats need 10 Republicans to "break ranks" and vote "Yes" for the legislation to become the law of the land. You can tell GOP Senators to stand firm and stay united so this anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill won't make it to Joe Biden's desk. If you oppose the anti-faith, anti-woman, anti-child and anti-science "Equality" Act, take action to embolden lawmakers now!
(Not a VIP? Go here to send this fax at 80% off.)
(Having trouble accessing your benefits? Go here.)
The misnamed Equality Act is the biggest threat to religious liberty this nation has ever seen. The anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ legislation insists that Christians and other people of faith support a radical, pro-LGBTQ agenda or face severe personal and financial implications. The bill would invalidate a 1993 law meant to protect EVERY Americans' sincerely held religious beliefs.
If passed, H.R. 5 will impact churches, faith-based businesses, religious organizations (including adoption and foster-care providers) and Christian schools, colleges and universities. It will harm women and girls by erasing significant safety, privacy and equality rights; defend abortion under the guise of "pregnancy discrimination"; and force medical professionals to choose between breaking the law and violating their faith.
You can take action to defend religious liberty; to ensure a level playing field for women's and girls' sports; to validate the scientific difference between sex at birth and chosen gender; and to protect born and unborn children. Urge Senate Republicans to keep fighting against the anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill! Go here to fax them now. For a list of "Stop The 'Equality' Act!" targets and their fax numbers, click here. Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Millions of Americans want to see this radical and extreme bill defeated in the Senate. H.R.5 boldly and unapologetically sacrifices religious liberty on the "altar" of political correctness. But YOU have the power to demand Senate Republicans take action to stop it! Click here to instantly send your "Stop The 'Equality' Act!" faxes to 50 GOP Senators and Sen. Manchin now for only $30, or reach all 100 U.S. Senators for only $50:
Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie (Fox News)
The inequalities of the Equality Act (Angelus)
H.R.5 (Congress•gov)
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