>>"America First's" LAST CHANCE to stop the SPENDING SCAM. Time is running out! Click to fax Reps now!<<
"America First" patriots have ONE LAST CHANCE to stop the Uni-Party's new SPENDING SCAM. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and his fellow House GOP "leaders" have caved. Punchbowl News reports they "threw in their final towel on Monday night."
Grassfire knew it would happen and has spent the past few days warning our team members about the consequences. But not being surprised by the latest, weak-kneed GOP "play fight and surrender" doesn't make it easier to accept.
A House vote on the short-term spending bill is expected TOMORROW and will fund the radical, unhinged and far-left agenda of the current D.C. cabal until December 20. At that time, Congress will ram through another "Nightmare Before Christmas" omnibus bill to hamstring a Trump second term for months!
+ + Here's Your Last Chance To Stop The SPENDING SCAM!
Thankfully, Grassfire does have some good news to share in this update: "America First" still has ONE LAST CHANCE to stop the D.C. Swamp's latest SPENDING SCAM. Due to the Uni-Party's urgent desire to protect themselves and avert a government shutdown, this continuing resolution (CR) must be considered under the suspension of regular House rules.
"Regular order" requires only a one-vote majority in the Lower Chamber. According to Punchbowl News: "That means the CR will need a two-thirds majority to pass. Democrats will provide the majority of those votes."
So, again ... the Republican-controlled House will need more Democrat votes than Republican to pass legislation that calls for American taxpayers to pay for the radical, unhinged, far-left agenda of a tyrannical regime. It's outrageous and unacceptable! If you agree, take immediate action. Click here to fax key GOP reps now.
THE REPUBLICAN CAVE HAS HAPPENED -- AGAIN! But with the CR requiring a two-thirds majority (that's a lot of votes), the D.C. Uni-Party's victory is NOT guaranteed. TAKE ACTION NOW to demand Republicans either pass a CR to rein in this runaway government or "SHUT IT DOWN!" Here are two ways to make your voice heard to STOP THE SPENDING SCAM BEFORE TOMORROW'S VOTE:
+ + Action #1 -- Fax Key House Republicans
Take immediate action to flood Congress with citizen contacts demanding they control spending by this runaway government or "Shut It Down!" For only $12, you can make your voice heard in this fight by instantly faxing up to 37 key GOP Reps. We've discounted this URGENT FAXFIRE by more than 60% to empower you in this fight.
<< Click here or on the banner below to fax Congress now. Demand the GOP craft and pass a better spending bill or "SHUT IT DOWN!" >>
Grassfire VIPs. Go here to send this fax for just $3. (Not a VIP? Go here)
Also, call your Rep. and Speaker Johnson.
- House Switchboard: 202-225-3121
- Speaker Johnson: 202-225-4000
- List of key numbers here
This latest UNI-PARTY SPENDING SCAM was so predictable. Johnson and his RINO friends should be embarrassed, while "America First" patriots should be outraged. This is the worst possible outcome for We the People.
If you're tired of the GOP's tired and failed "play-fight-and-surrender" strategy on Capitol Hill, make your voice heard. Click here to fax up to 37 Republican Reps now for only $12. Thank you in advance for taking a stand tonight.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. As we reported this morning, President Trump called on Republicans to shut down the government if they didn't get the budget deal they wanted. His TRUTH Social post was crystal clear: "THEY SHOULD, IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, GO FORWARD WITH A CONTINUING RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET. ... DON'T LET IT HAPPEN - CLOSE IT DOWN!!!" If you stand with President Trump and reject the D.C. Uni-Party, you can take immediate action by instantly faxing up to 37 key GOP Reps for only $12. Go here now to make your voice heard:
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