UPDATE: Wednesday, February 16 @ 9:10a.m.
Two GOP leaders -- one in the House and the other in the Senate -- have promised to "stand with America's parents" by introducing legislation to end the Biden regime's forced masking of children. Also in their FOX News op-ed this week, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) and Sen. John Thune (R-SD) wrote:
(T)he federal government should stay out of that decision-making process, especially for Americans who are least at risk for the virus but high at risk for being left behind educationally or emotionally.
The forced masking of our kids and grandkids is NOT about science. It's about control. If the radical, unhinged Left can use fear, intimidation and misinformation to compel children to comply now, they'll likely be easier to manipulate as adults. Scalise and Thune are correct in calling for Joe Biden to unmask our kids:
We cannot allow big-government socialists to hold back America's children any more than they already have. Children ... should be free to act as kids do – laughing, learning and interacting with friends and teachers unimpeded by a cloth mask that is likely doing very little besides serving as an impediment.
Virtue signaling at the expense of our children is the worst kind of political theater. ... For the sake of today's kids and their futures, Democrat politicians should take a real look at the science and have the courage to stand up for the children.
Grassfire is making it possible for you to stand with Republicans in the House and Senate as they try to pass legislation against the Biden regime's COVID tyranny. But unfortunately, Grassfire Nation seems to be asleep at the wheel. We've seen a shockingly weak response to our "Unmask Our Kids!" FaxFire since it went online four days ago.
If you want to push back against "big-government socialists" and demand they unmask our children, you can take action now. Click here or on the banner below to demand Democrats "follow the science" and end all face-covering mandates on your kids and grandkids NOW:
Maybe you missed Grassfire's previous "Unmask Our Kids!" update. If so, you'll find it below. Last night's message contained additional information about Scalise's and Thune's call to "Unmask America's children." If you did read that article, please consider clicking on our share tools and forward it to your family and friends.
Or you can click here to sign the national petition to "Unmask Our Kids!" now. We're empowering you to take action and demand Republicans follow through on their promise to introduce bills in the House and Senate to END the forced masking of America's children and grandchildren. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard this morning.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
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Tuesday evening:
Republican leaders in the House and Senate are demanding an end to the Biden regime's COVID tyranny. In an op-ed published on the FOX News website, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD) say it's time to unmask America's children. Here are some excerpts from yesterday's article:
As parents ourselves, we are outraged that the federal government is using taxpayer money to make children as young as 2 years old have to wear face masks. ... The decision to mask or not mask a toddler should be made by a parent or guardian, not Joe Biden. ...
A face mask may be one of the most debilitating learning barriers for young children. The early years are when kids learn to recognize facial cues, understand emotions, and speak and express themselves. Prolonged masking directly interferes with a student’s ability to learn verbal and non-verbal communication skills, which can set them back for the rest of their life.
Do you agree with the House and Senate "Whips"? Are you tired of the COVID tyranny that the radical, unhinged Left has unleashed on our children. If so, you can take action now by signing the "Unmask Our Kids!" national petition!
Yes, coronavirus IS dangerous to specific populations and great care MUST be taken to PROTECT high-risk groups and individuals. But Scalise and Thune write: "Young children are less vulnerable to COVID-19 than other demographic groups. Thankfully, transmission among children is low, and symptoms, if any, are usually mild."
A recent poll by Monmouth University found that "7 in 10 Americans (70%) agree with the sentiment that 'it's time we accept that Covid is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives' – including 78% of those who report having gotten Covid and 65% of those who say they have not been infected."
If you want unmasking our kids to be the first step on that road to acceptance, click here to sign the "Unmask Our Kids!" national petition now. When we reach 20,000 signatures, Grassfire representatives will deliver your petition to GOP leadership on Capitol Hill. Thanks, in advance, for taking action tonight.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Again, we're empowering our team members to demand key lawmakers in the House and Senate take immediate action to "Unmask Our Kids!" Go here to sign the national petition calling for an end to Joe Biden's and the radical Democrats' COVID tyranny:
Unmask America's children – federal government should not be masking toddlers (FOX News)
Time to Accept Covid and Move On? (Monmouth University)
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