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Make Your Voice Heard By Signing The National Petition To UNMASK Our Kids!

Enough is enough! It's time to set our kids free and end the mask-erade!

When "rules for thee, but not for me" politicians pose unmasked with schoolchildren being forced to wear face coverings, it's time to push back! Join thousands of liberty-loving, pro-science patriots calling for an end to all mask edicts on our kids.

Forcing children to wear masks is actually hurting them! Studies show that face coverings are harming boys and girls physically, psychologically, and behaviorally. If you agree that the time to "UNMASK OUR KIDS!" is now, sign this national petition and share it with your family and friends.

The "UNMASK OUR KIDS!" petition states:

It's time to UNMASK OUR KIDS and end all mask mandates on children! Our kids have suffered enough. I'm joining this national call for all schools and youth organizations to end face-covering mandates and "UNMASK OUR KIDS!"

Will you sign?
1,349 signatures so far. Help us get to 20,000