God, Please Bless America
The anger and violence our great nation has experience over the past week should bring all of us back to one undeniable truth: America needs God's blessing -- perhaps more than ever before! Honestly, has there ever been a time when the United States needed the Lord's peace, provision and protection more than right now?
Few events in our nation's history rival what has transpired almost day and night since George Floyd died after a Minneapolis policeman knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes. Far-Left media outlets and social-media trolls aren't helping by fanning the flames of hate and division across the country.
At Grassfire, we're praying URGENTLY: "God, please bless America in the midst of this troubling and turbulent time." We also want to help grassroots patriots, like you, push back against the fear and lawlessness infecting the U.S. right now.
Make your home a "safe house" of hope and freedom by posting a "God Bless America" yard sign on your front lawn! Plant a "flag of faith" this July 4th and declare your community free from the media-driven fear and lawlessness that is rampant in some of America's greatest cities. Click here to order now.
By displaying a "God Bless America" yard sign outside your home, office, church or school, you can make a personal and patriotic statement this Fourth of July. Share your deep love for our country and your sincere prayer that our heavenly Father will continue to bless this land!
These new yard signs arrived in our warehouse YESTERDAY and are available for IMMEDIATE FREE SHIPPING. If you want to make a personal "faith statement" this Independence Day by sharing a "God Bless America" message with your family, friends and neighbors, click here or on the banner below to order your signs now:
In the strongest possible terms, Grassfire condemns the lethal use of police force against the late Mr. Floyd. All of America has a right to be angry about it. The peaceful protests and assembly that have resulted from this tragedy are constitutional, but rioting, looting and violence are criminal and MUST STOP.
We need to pray for those involved and ask the Lord to end the widespread anarchy and chaos NOW. If you love and cherish this great nation, we invite you to take a spiritual and a physical stand. Plant a "flag of faith" outside your home and boldly say, "God Bless America"!
+ + New-Look "God Bless America" Yard Signs Ready For Immediate, FREE Shipping!
When we sold out of our yard signs recently, Grassfire decided it was time to update the design. So we asked our graphic artist to "punch up" the colors and improve the look and flow of the flag. The result gave the yard signs a subtle, new upgrade that we officially unveiled in time for July 4th!
If you've never ordered one of these patriotic lawn displays -- or if want to purchase another -- now's the time. You can be among the first team members to own newly updated, 26" x 16" "God Bless America" yard signs. Constructed of rugged, weather-resistant plastic for year-round use, each one comes with a display stand and is shipped absolutely FREE.
Discounts are available if you order more than one. Also, bulk orders receive a FREE shipping upgrade from first-class to USPS Priority Mail! Click here to order now. Thanks, in advance, for your support.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Don't miss your opportunity to be among our first team members to receive these new and improved "God Bless America" yard signs. Tell your family, friends and neighbors EXACTLY where you stand by posting this pro-faith, pro-USA message outside your home, office, church and/or school. Let's make July 4th our "Independence Day" from fear and lawlessness! Go here to order now:
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