Over the weekend I received an update from Gary LeBlanc of Mercy Chefs -- Grassfire's disaster relief partner. Gary's team needs help. They provided 4,000 meals, but the people keep coming. 

People are desperate, and now another hurricane is set to strike -- the largest hurricane of this entire year.

I'm hoping the Grassfire team will band together to help sponsor 4,000 meals in the next 24 hours. Your tax-deductible gift of $50 will help feed FIVE families of four for FIVE DAYS; $100 will help feed TEN FAMILIESGo here to make a tax-deductible gift to help Hurricane victims in Honduras, and see below for more details from Gary.

Steve Elliott, Grassfire

From: Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
Subject: Fwd: Disaster in Honduras!
To:  Steve Elliott
Date: November 14, 2020 at 4:30:12 PM ET


The lines for food and water in Honduras keep getting longer. Yesterday we distributed 4,000 meals, but the demand is even greater.

The people kept coming. This is truly a desperate situation. 

We have another Mercy Chefs team member arriving in Honduras this weekend. I want to do more -- more fresh water and more Family Survival Meal Packs that might be all these hurting people have to eat this week.

Please help this weekend. Just $50 can help us feed FIVE families of four in Honduras right now for FIVE DAYS. $100 feeds 10 families. Perhaps you can do more. Go here to make your tax-deductible gift to help those who are suffering in Honduras, and thanks in advance for your help.

Gary LeBlanc

P.S. Yet another storm is developing. Forecasters expect it to become a hurricane and strike Central America with 120mph winds by early next week. Honduras is already devastated. Another storm would be unimaginable. But right now, I must do more to meet the urgent need. Fresh water and the basic essentials we are providing in these Family Survival Meal Packs are absolutely critical. Go here to help: