Here are your CounterDrudge headlines for April 16:
- They just moved the goalposts!!!
- PA gov says employees and customers must wear masks
- NY gov says everyone must wear masks
- Harvard elites: social distancing needed through 2022
- OH gov: "we've won the battle... monster still out there"
- VA gov extends business shutdown
- 1,897 deaths forecast on 3/31 thru August
- 1,188 now forecast
- 1,424 influenza deaths this year
- MLB part of major antibody testing
- Study: models way off
- Across the pond
Germany's Koch Institute estimates flu fatality rate at .5% ('17-18), .4% ('18-19)
- "However, the CFR [case fatality rate] of 0.2% currently measured for Germany is below the Robert Koch-Institute's (RKI) calculated influenza CFRs of 0.5% in 2017/18 and 0.4% in 2018/19, but above the widely accepted figure of 0.1% for which there is no reliable evidence."
- Israeli mathematician says COVID follows tight pattern and will stop in weeks
- Head of German study that found 14% prior infection rate and .37% fatality rate defends study (original in German)
- British pathology professor: "Where is the vigorous debate?'
- German doctor: we've converting pallative care patients into intensive care
Germany's Koch Institute estimates flu fatality rate at .5% ('17-18), .4% ('18-19)
- Then there's this chart showing nursing home deaths account for 42-57% of COVID deaths...
- FOX News: COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Lab:
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