According to the Washington Post, Dr. Fauci (the guy running our response from a medical perspective), told others in the inner circle:
“I’ve looked at all the models. I’ve spent a lot of time on the models. They don’t tell you anything. You can’t really rely upon models.”
Well, we're all sheltering at home because of MODELS. We've been told MILLIONS would die if we didn't let the governor take away our civil rights. We're being told to wear masks in public and that it's acceptable to have 10 million people file for unemployment in TWO WEEKS because of MODELS.
Here's today's CounterDrudge...
April 4
- FoxNews: HALF of all cases have "NO SYMPTOMS
- This is NOT a GEN Pop Pandemic!
- EAD THIS for an excellent perspective on dangers of COVID-19
- BBC: understanding the death toll
- About those models...
- Pittsburgh professors say models "hiding infections in the future"
- Thorough analysis of the mortality rate
- New study: infection mortality rate in China actually .66%
- STUDY: 81% of cases in China "were classified as mild"
- STUDY: children "less likely to be symptomatic or develop severe symptoms"
- How long can an all-food economy sustain?
- Sweden stay open, "rest of world" is reckless!
- "Human beings do not have a limitless capacity for self-imprisonment"
- Citizen reporters: where is the rush on hospitals?
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