The anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ "Equality" Act (H.R.5) would give legal protection to a radical homosexual and transgender agenda at the expense of women, girls, at-risk children, the unborn and people of faith. It seeks to eliminate the scientific distinction between birth sex and chosen gender, which would force biological females to compete against and share bathrooms and locker rooms with biological men.
H.R.5 will harm women and girls by erasing significant safety, privacy and equality rights; defend abortion under the guise of "sex discrimination"; and force medical professionals to choose between breaking the law and violating their sincerely held religious beliefs. Pro-faith Americans who refuse to sacrifice their faith at the "altar" of political correctness could even see employment opportunities and access to commercial bank loans limited.
The misnamed Equality Act has been roundly criticized by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), "the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life." In a recent email received by Grassfire staff, ADF calls the dangerous, un-American bill "blatant government overreach," adding:
The "Equality Act" is a deliberate attempt to force people of faith to abandon their sincerely held beliefs or face punishment. And if it becomes law, it could have grave consequences for people like you. In addition to forcing women to share private spaces with men, the "Equality Act" could force:
• Churches to abandon their faith-based hiring standards.
• Religious schools to abandon their faith-based admission standards.
• Female student athletes to compete against men.
• Millions of Christians, Muslims, Jews, and other people of faith to violate their religious views on marriage and sexual morality — or pay the price.
The so-called Equality Act insists that people of faith CANNOT disagree with the radical, extreme agenda being forced down Americans' throats by radical Democrats, the Unhinged Left and the "woke mob." This legislation is one of the greatest threats to religious freedom America has EVER seen by impacting churches, faith-based businesses, religious organizations (including adoption and foster-care providers) and Christian schools, colleges and universities.
If you oppose this anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill, embolden Senate Republicans to fight it now! Click here or on the banner below to instantly send "Stop The 'Equality' Act!" faxes to all 50 GOP Senators (and moderate Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia) for only $30. Or immediately reach EVERY member of the U.S. Senate (100 faxes) for just $50:
(Not a VIP? Go here to send this fax at 80% off.)
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+ + Take Action To Stop The "Equality" Act By Faxing Senators Now!
The pro-homosexual, pro-transgender legislation renders current religious-liberty protection invalid. So, if you're a Christian who doesn't agree with or follow the legislation's newly defined views of sex and sexuality, your sincerely held religious beliefs could put you on the wrong side of the law. This is from page 25 of the bill:
"The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq.) shall not provide a claim concerning, or a defense to a claim under, a covered title, or provide a basis for challenging the application or enforcement of a covered title."
Radical Democrats in Congress tried to rush the bill to Joe Biden's desk during his "First 100 Days" in office. They failed. Still, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has positioned the "Equality" Act so he can call a vote on it at any time! But if GOP Senators stand together and stay united, H.R.5 will NOT make it to Joe Biden's desk. You can take immediate action to demand Senate Republicans "Stop The 'Equality' Act!" from being signed into law.
Democrats need 10 Republicans to "break ranks" and vote "Yes" to pass H.R.5. For just $30, you can instantly fax every GOP Senator and moderate Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin. Or reach every member of the U.S. Senate (100 faxes) for only $50. Click here to instantly send your "Stop The 'Equality' Act!" faxes to Capitol Hill now.
Don't let Senate Republicans sacrifice religious freedom at the "altar" of political correctness. Click here to fax Senators now. Demand they "Stop The 'Equality' Act!" from reaching Joe Biden's desk. To send your own faxes, click here for a list of FaxFire targets and their contact information. Thanks, in advance, for taking action.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Again, H.R.5 is the greatest threat to religious liberty that America has ever seen. But you can take immediate action to defend people of faith; to ensure a level playing field for women's and girls' sports; protect born and unborn children; and to validate the scientific difference between sex at birth and chosen gender. Click here or on the banner below to instantly send your "Stop The 'Equality' Act!" faxes to Senators now:
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