According to The Associated Press, now that Congress is returning from a two-week recess, impeachment "work will intensify." An article published this morning reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) "wants the committees to work 'expeditiously' as Democrats gather evidence and prepare to make a final decision on whether to vote to impeach the president."
All signs point to Pelosi's impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt moving into high gear this week. You can almost guarantee that a House vote to impeach President Trump will happen as soon as the Speaker and her ilk can make it happen.
The Left has never hid their complete disdain, if not outright hatred, for our Commander-in-Chief. They're doing everything in their power to remove him from office and to disenfranchise millions of Americans who voted for him.
The Constitution clearly states that presidents are to be impeached only for "high crimes and misdemeanors," such as lying under oath to a grand jury, which is what President Bill Clinton did in 1998. Mr. Trump's July phone call with Ukraine's president-elect clearly doesn't rise to that level of offense. But, as we've said many, many times, the Left will stop at NOTHING to take down this president.
That's why Grassfire is urging patriotic supporters of America's Commander-in-Chief MUST take action to "Fight The Coup!" against the President. Please consider sending personalized I SAY "NO" TO IMPEACHMENT faxes, right now, to your Representative; your two Senators; and key House and Senate Leaders, including 10 Dem Representatives who reportedly are "on the fence" about removing the President from office.
Democrat efforts to take down our Commander-in-Chief by force, rather than by winning an election, MUST not be allowed to succeed! That's why Grassfire has updated the targets in our I SAY "NO" TO IMPEACHMENT FaxFire, while also adding significant discounts. Receive 40% OFF when you fax your personalized messages to your Representative; your two Senators; and key House and Senate Leaders, including 10 Dem Representatives who reportedly are "on the fence" about impeachment.
When you utilize Level 2 of the I SAY "NO" TO IMPEACHMENT FaxFire, you also can instantly send a personalized message to every GOP Senator at a 50% DISCOUNT! Level 3 of this urgent FaxFire empowers you to also fax EVERY MEMBER of the United States Senate at a 55% DISCOUNT!
Click here or on the banner below to immediately send your faxes for as low as $.45 each!
(Not a monthly member? Go here to send this fax at 80% discount.)
(Having trouble accessing your benefits? Go here.)
If you're outraged by this latest unfounded Witch Hunt against America's President Trump, Grassfire invites you to utilize our unique FaxFire system. Rush your I SAY "NO" ON IMPEACHMENT faxes directly to your Representative; your two Senators; and dozens of key House and Senate targets -- FOR A 40% TO 55% DISCOUNT.
Grassfire feels so strongly about the need for our team members to take action, that we've lowered the price on all three levels of the I SAY "NO" ON IMPEACHMENT FaxFire. Act now to demand Congress stop fanning the flames of an impeachment Witch Hunt! Fax your personalized message to Capitol Hill offices now for as low as $.45 each!
Democrats need to stop trying to undo the results of a free and fair election. If they want President Trump to leave office, they need to take the advice of former president Barack Obama. Responding to critics in 2013, he said:
"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? ... Go out there and win an election."
Just 13 months from now, the Democrats will have their chance to win an election. If you think they should stop their attempted coup, go here to fax now.
Thank you, in advance, for taking action today.
For liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Liberty-loving Americans can't let this effort to undo the results of a free and fair election succeed. "Never Trumpers" can't beat this president at the ballot box, so they're attempting a coup instead via a bogus impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt!
What's next in the impeachment inquiry as Congress returns (The Associated Press)
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