In Grassfire's earlier message today, we reminded our team members that Easter Week, or "Holy Week," has begun. As Resurrection Day approaches, we are praying URGENTLY for God to bless America and heal our land (2 Chron. 7:14).
President Trump and members of his Coronavirus Response Team say this is a critical time in fight against this deadly and devastating outbreak. If America is going to gain the upper hand against COVID-19, THIS is the week to do it!
In an effort to empower patriots to share a positive, uplifting message in these dark days, Grassfire is offering one "God Bless America" ReSticker to EVERY team member who makes a contribution of ANY AMOUNT. Contribute $30 or more to help us build during this difficult time, and we'll send you three state-of-the-art, 3" x 9" bumper stickers for your car, truck, van or SUV.
Over the past few weeks, Grassfire has been emailing our team members about patriotic and inspirational products to encourage you during this crisis. We've been urging friends to "plant a flag of faith" in their yards with our "God Bless America" yard signs.
But there's a lot of economic uncertainty surrounding this troubling and turbulent period in our nation's history. Some people might not be comfortable paying $30 for one, $55 for two and $75 for three of these popular lawn displays.
But our "God Bless America" ReStickers empower you to share a message of hope and encouragement that you can take with you ANYWHERE. In appreciation for a contribution of ANY AMOUNT to help Grassfire build, you can encourage your family, friends and neighbors to trust the Lord -- especially in tough times like these!
We want to get these patriotic bumper stickers, which can be applied and re-applied to virtually any smooth surface, into the hands of as many team members as possible. That's why shipping is ABSOLUTELY FREE! Push back against the fear, panic and anxiety cause by COVID-19. Click here to order now.
Thanks, in advance, for your support.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Proudly display our exclusive, "God Bless America" ReStickers on your car, truck, van or SUV to inspire your entire community. Remind your family, friends and neighbors that we STILL are "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Click here or on the image below to receive one "God Bless America" ReSticker in appreciation for your contribution of any amount. Contribute $30 or more to help Grassfire build, and we'll send you THREE of these state-of-the-art bumper stickers:
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