BREAKING: Big News For Steve Bannon!

Late yesterday, the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) voted 3-2 to confirm "the official legal position of the House" regarding the bogus, highly partisan and anti-Trump J6 committee. BLAG has ruled the committee was "illegitimate" and that "all subpoenas issued by the committee were also illegitimate," including the one holding Steve Bannon in contempt for refusing to testify against President Trump.

This is a HUGE win for America's leading conservative voice and former senior advisor to the President! BLAG also directed the House Office of General Counsel to file an Amicus Brief with Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in support of Bannon. Roberts is expected to rule on a special appeal to America's High Court -- as soon as today -- and decide if Bannon MUST surrender to prison by July 1.

But Grassfire thinks America First patriots, like you, want to see an even BIGGER WIN for the former White House Chief Strategist. An Amicus Brief filed by the House of of General Counsel is a huge victory, but is it enough to keep Bannon out of prison? At this point, why leave the decision in Justice Roberts' hands?

You can take action, right now, to tell Speaker Johnson and the GOP to "Rescind the Bannon Subpoena!" Click here to immediately reach up to 20 key House Republicans on Capitol Hill with your personalized faxes. Show the GOP that grassroots citizens are STANDING AGAINST THIS INJUSTICE!

Grassfire VIPs: Go here to send this fax for $3. (Not a VIP? Go here to save and send now.) 


Also today, as Justice Roberts considers the "lawfare" appeal by America's leading conservative voice, Grassfire is working to deliver a "Citizens' Amicus Brief" to the Supreme Court. We want America's High Court to hear the voices of Grassfire team members who have signed the "Rescind The Bannon Subpoena!" petition and sent "Rescind The Bannon Subpoena!" faxes.

Check your inbox for additional updates today. But in the meantime, make your voice heard as the House General Counsel prepares their Amicus Brief to support Steve Bannon's emergency appeal to the Supreme Court. Click here now to immediately fax up to a dozen key House Republicans, including Speaker Johnson, for only $12.

For life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. See last night's update below to learn more about what's at stake inside the walls of the Supreme Court today. To take immediate action in support of Steve Bannon, go here:

Tuesday evening:

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Demand House Republicans Stand With Steve Bannon!

Finally, someone in D.C. is willing to stand against tyranny. Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) is calling on House GOP leaders to support Steve Bannon. President Trump's former senior advisor is fighting a bogus, fourth-month prison sentence for failing to comply with a subpoena to testify before the blatantly, anti-Trump J6 Committee.

The Daily Caller obtained a copy of the letter Banks sent to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson yesterday. The Indiana Republican wants "MAGA" Mike to "back the legal defense of former White House Chief Strategist" by filing an amicus brief on Bannon's behalf.

Bannon has been ordered to surrender to prison by July 1. But Banks explains in his letter, "I believe that several factors separate the committee’s illegitimate and unenforceable subpoenas from lawfully issued congressional subpoenas."

Click here to immediately send your "RESCIND THE BANNON SUBPOENA" faxes to Capitol Hill. Show the GOP and the Supreme Court that grassroots citizens are STANDING AGAINST THIS INJUSTICE!

Grassfire VIPs: Go here to send this fax for $3. (Not a VIP? Go here to save and send now.) 


Bannon has appealed his case directly to the U.S. Supreme Court, and Chief Justice Roberts has ordered Joe Biden's DOJ to respond to that appeal BY 4:00 p.m. TOMORROW (Wednesday). The Chief Justice will then begin deliberating on whether or not to delay Bannon's incarceration.

Join other America First patriots who are calling on Republican Reps to submit an amicus brief to the High Court in support of Bannon.

We want to FLOOD GOP HOUSE LEADERS with thousands of faxes and phone calls calling on GOP House leaders to IMMEDIATELY SUBMIT AN AMICUS BRIEF TO THE COURT IN SUPPORT OF BANNON.

As we told you earlier, Grassfire has updated our "RESCIND BANNON SUBPOENA" FaxFire. Your fax letters to GOP House members will call on them to file an Amicus Brief with America's High Court in support of Steve Bannon.

Even if you've already faxed House Speaker "MAGA" Mike Johnson and other key Republican Reps, please consider making your voice heard AGAIN inside the halls of Congress. Go here now to schedule your personalized faxes for immediate delivery on Capitol Hill:

The second action you can take in the next 24 hours is calling your Representative in Congress! Let him or her know where you stand on the pending incarceration of Steve Bannon. Call 202-225-3121 now!

DEMAND the House GOP TAKE AN IMMEDIATE STAND AGAINST THIS BLATANT LAWFARE and SUPPORT STEVE BANNON! Fax AND call Republican Reps in D.C. now about submitting an Amicus Brief to the Supreme Court before tomorrow's deadline by Justice Roberts.

Thank you, in advance, for supporting America's founding principles of life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Incarcerating Bannon, a former senior advisor for President Trump, for ignoring a subpoena issued by the bogus, anti-Trump J6 committee is BLATANT ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Bannon is THE leading conservative voice in America. Silencing him before the 2024 presidential election would be a GIFT to Joe Biden and the radical, unhinged Left. Send your "RESCIND THE BANNON SUBPOENA!" faxes to Capitol Hill now by going here:

Sources: Citizen Free Press, The Daily Caller, Jeff Clark on X, The Guardian