ACTION NEEDED THIS WEEK: After Joe Biden's spending scam failed, House Democrats passed different runaway spending bill last month that actually helps communist China. Starting today, that legislation is under consideration in the Senate. Please see our urgent update below. --Grassfire
Out of the smoldering ashes of Joe Biden's failed "Build Back Better" boondoggle came another tax-and-spend scheme from radical Democrats on Capitol Hill. The "America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology, and Economic Strength Act of 2022" (aka, the "America COMPETES Act of 2022") has been widely dismissed by Republicans, who have dubbed it the "America Concedes to China Act."
GOP leaders in the House called the 2,912-page, $324-billion bill "a liberal wishlist filled with reckless spending." This sounds just like "Build Back Better," but it's worse. Why? Because it "Builds Back China" by giving the communist nation a competitive advantage over the United States. Today, that bill is under consideration in the Senate.
We received an email from Senate Minority "Leader" Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) office telling us that the Upper Chamber will convene at 3:00 TODAY to "resume consideration" on H.R. 4251. That's why Grassfire is empowering you to fight back against the "America Concedes To China Act" now!
If you're outraged by the radical Democrats' plan to bolster communism at the expense of the American economy and its people, take immediate action by signing the "DON'T BUILD BACK CHINA!" national petition. Click here or on the banner below now to add your name now. Don't wait to make your voice heard!
The Wall Street Journal calls H.R.4521 the "Be More Like China Act" because, they say: "The House competition bill is industrial policy mixed with welfare" and "leaves no liberal special interest behind." Their editorial board also writes:
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Chinese President Xi Jinping should feel honored by the 2,900-page bill House Democrats claim will make the U.S. more competitive. To counter China, Democrats think America must copy Beijing's industrial policy.
The Senate is expected to vote soon on the horribly misnamed "America COMPETES Act of 2022." That's why Grassfire is empowering our team members to fight back now! If you oppose the radical Democrats' "Build Back China" plan, click here to sign the national petition now.
"America First" patriots MUST stay engaged in the FIGHT to protect the U.S. economy from the harmful policies of Democrats and the Biden regime. Tell Republican Representatives to vote "NO!" on the "America Concedes to China Act." Take immediate action by clicking here to sign the "DON'T BUILD BACK CHINA!" national petition now.
When we reach 20,000 signatures, Grassfire representatives will deliver your "DON'T BUILD BACK CHINA!" petition to Republican Senate leadership on Capitol Hill. Thanks, in advance, for taking a stand today.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Again, the Senate convenes in just a few short hours to resume consideration of the horribly misnamed "America Concedes to China Act." A final vote on H.R.4521 is expected soon, which means time is short to make your voice heard! Click here or on the banner below now and add your name to the "Don't Build Back China!" national petition:
H.R.4521 (House·gov)
The Be More Like China Act (The Wall Street Journal)
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