Thanks for using FaxFire to nominate key RINOs for Lifetime Membership in the Uniparty! Here's what you can do next...
Thanks so much for faxing key RINOs who have been nominated and accepted as members of the DC Uniparty in the aftermath of the Dirty, Debt-Deal Debacle.
Here are THREE WAYS you can help spread this campaign even further...
- TWEET GOP MEMBERS directly and let them know about their nomination. (Just add their twitter handle(s) to the front of the message, such as @MittRomney or @SpeakerMcCarthy.)
- SHARE THE CAMPAIGN ON FACEBOOK and invite others to get involved.
- See below to DIRECT MESSAGE your members of Congress and let them know they will be nominated for the UniParty if they continue to vote for the D.C. status quo of BIG GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION.
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