Our friends at Mercy Chefs -- Grassfire's disaster relief partner -- are right in the middle of a DESPERATE SITUATION in Uganda. See below for details, and go here to sponsor hot meals for hospital patients and their families.
P.S. Just $50 can sponsor 250 meals for hospital patients in Uganda who are facing starvation without help. Please go here:

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(Message from Mercy Chefs)
I have a very important update to share with you on our work in Uganda. Please go here to view:
+ + Desperate Conditions....
As I shared with you earlier in the year, Mercy Chefs is partnering with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Kaboong to bring emergency relief to one of the most desperate regions in the world. As I write, we are supporting a feeding program at a hospital that simply couldn't feed its patients.
The poverty and desperation in this part of Uganda are so extreme that people were effectively abandoning their sick relatives at the hospital. But the hospital simply lacked the resources to feed the patients.
In the month prior to when our feeding program began, 150 hospital patients perished, mostly from malnutrition.
Thanks to friends like you, Mercy Chefs is helping to provide meals to every hospital patient twice daily. We're also feeding family members of patients who are barely surviving on the edge of starvation.
Amazingly, it costs just $50 to feed 250 meals to hospital patients.
I'm hoping that this week friends like you will step forward and sponsor all the meals we will help serve at this hospital over the next three months.
Can I count on you?
What we're seeing in Uganda is the most desperate poverty our team has encountered. Families are being decimated. But thanks to you, we are bringing practical relief and hope to these people!
Thanks in advance for your help,
Gary LeBlanc
Founder and CEO
P.S. Again, it costs just $50 to help sponsor 250 meals; $100 sponsors 00 meals. These meals are literally saving lives! Go here to help:
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