Two Senators can stop President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh...

Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski

These liberal Senators are already coming under intense pressure and scrutiny in this early stage of the confirmation process. Yesterday, both were out making public comments on Judge Kavanaugh and the process -- and neither would commit on how they might vote. But Murkowski is already pointing to abortion rights and gun control as her key litmus tests.

With pressure already mounting, Grassfire wants to deliver 10,000 petitions to Sens. Collins and Murkowski NEXT WEEK to send an early message that we must confirm the President's nominee. Please take a moment right now to sign the CONFIRM KAVANAUGH petiton by going here:

+ + Lawsuits already filed...

As we noted to you, two Anti-Trump activist groups have already launched a federal lawsuit demanding the release of what they claim is "more than a million Kavanaugh documents that are a matter of public record but are being withheld by the Justice Department and the National Archives."

Clearly, Democrats are going to demand that EVERY last page of this alleged million-document dossier be analyzed before Judge Kavanaugh can even be questioned by the Senate. In fact, swing Senators Murkowski has already signaled that the large number of documents could be "bad news" for the Kavanaugh nomination.

Let's deliver a strong message to these two swing Senators next week. Go here to sign the petition.

Steve Elliott


Steve Elliott is the co-founder of Grassfire, a 1.5 million member liberty-based citizen network. Steve likes to talk about politics, tech, faith and family.