I can't believe what's happening...
The Silicon Valley elites are CENSORING WHAT SEEMS LIKE EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING from President Trump.
Earlier this week, Twitter blocked a video clip of President Trump in which he ROASTED THE MEDIA!
All the President did was mock the liberal media by asking them if they enjoyed "their convention" -- speaking of the Democrat convention. That's all it took! Twitter blocked the video, calling it "potentially sensitive content." Unbelievable!
Then CNN announced that it would FACT CHECK the GOP convention -- after giving Democrats a free pass for four days! No wonder conservatives are ABANDONING the TV networks in droves and turning instead to online sources -- even to watch the convention.
Every day, the media, the D.C. Swamp and Big Tech Elites ARE OPENLY PROMOTING LIES, while they ban and censor conservative voices. Their goal? DEFEAT DONALD TRUMP so they can complete their RADICAL TAKEOVER OF OUR GREAT NATION!
This is their end game. Don't be fooled!
That's why I'm writing to you today.
+ + Grassfire is reaching MILLIONS but we're in urgent need of help...
GRASSFIRE is on the SHORT LIST of reliable, conservative citizen networks. We may be the LARGEST independent conservative network in the nation, actively reaching up to a million people daily.
But as of this morning, Grassfire is facing a critical budget shortfall for August of nearly $20,000! We are fighting the good fight here. We're doing everything we can to push back against the lies. BUT TO REALIZE THE IMPACT WE CAN AND MUST HAVE BETWEEN NOW AND THE ELECTION, I NEED TO MAKE UP THIS SHORTFALL IMMEDIATELY!
If you believe in the mission and work of Grassfire, I'm asking you to prayerfully consider helping us with this critical shortfall, so we can be a VOICE FOR TRUTH amidst the tidal wave of lies in our nation right now! Will you make a contribution today of $30, $50, $75, $100 or more to help Grassfire reach millions before Election Day? Go here to make your contribution:
+ + Our Gift To You -- "TRUMP BUCKS" That Will Drive Liberals Crazy!
By special arrangement, Grassfire has acquired a limited quantity of collectible "TRUMP 2020" Bills -- just in time for the Republican National Convention. These unique presidential keepsakes are a great way to show your family and friends that you want "Four more years!" of our Commander-in-Chief's "Make America Great Again" agenda.
While our commemorative "TRUMP BUCKS" have no cash value, one side features a portrait of President Trump and the other includes an image of the White House with the words "In God We Trust." They fit perfectly in your wallet or purse so you can share them with friends and family members.
If you can support Grassfire with a contribution of $30 or more to help us fight back, we'll send you 25 "TRUMP BUCKS" to share far and wide. (If you can help with any amount, we'll send you five "TRUMP 2020" Bills. But I hope you'll go the EXTRA MILE with me and contribute $30 or more.) We'll cover shipping and handling. Go here to request your "TRUMP BUCKS" when you help Grassfire.
- We fought the impeachment lie by exposing the "Never Trump" hoax -- with special reports and an entire website dedicated to "Fight The Coup."
- Grassfire was among the FIRST to speak the truth about the COVID-19 threat, to put it in context, and to report the scientific findings about the elderly and those with serious health complications being the most at risk.
- We spoke out strongly against the government-imposed lockdowns and showed how quarantining healthy people was unprecedented, unconstitutional and would cost MILLIONS of jobs.
- For weeks, I personally produced almost daily video reports for our team to help sort through the lies of the coronavirus FEARDEMIC. It took other conservative sites months to catch up with Grassfire's reporting.
- A year ago, we called on Congress and the Justice Department to EXPOSE the ObamaGate conspiracy, and we're STILL leading the fight for REAL ACTION and ACCOUNTABILITY.
- We've spoken clearly and strongly against the anti-American, Marxist movement led by Antifa rioters and widely dismissed by Democrat leaders. They want to redefine our nation by defunding the police, raising taxes, collapsing the economy, shuttering schools and closing down churches.
- Grassfire has boldly and strongly STOOD FOR AMERICA and STOOD FOR OUR FLAG. We will continue to stand no matter how bad the radical Left's attacks get!
The radical Left and their allies in the media and Silicon Valley are OPENLY CENSORING YOUR VOICE AND MINE! That's why Grassfire's continued efforts are so critical. I want to do even more between now and Election Day. I want to REACH at least 10 million conservative voters, and I want to RALLY an army of patriots to take back our nation.
But I urgently need your help right now.
Please help us make up our August shortfall and be sure to request your "TRUMP BUCKS" when you support our work.
Thanks in advance, and may God Bless America in these challenging times!
For life, liberty and limited government,
Steve Elliott, Founder
P.S. Every day we see more BLATANT EXAMPLES OF ANTI-TRUMP AND ANTI-CONSERVATIVE CENSORING. That's why Grassfire's independent voice and independent channel of communication is so vital. We are fully engaged in the battles to protect and promote our nation's founding principles of life, liberty and limited government. Few organizations in the country can inform and equip hundreds of thousands of citizens like we can. But we urgently need your help to continue fighting until Election Day and beyond. Receive special, commemorative "TRUMP 2020" Bills as our gift when you support our grassroots efforts this month. Please click here or on the banner below now to help Grassfire fight back and receive 25 "TRUMP BUCKS" in appreciation for your contribution of $30 or more:
We urgently need help THIS MONTH AND EVERY MONTH TO THE ELECTION! We just launched our GRASSFIRE VIP program -- with the discounts, benefits, resources, and access to our team. Would you consider becoming a VIP today? Everyone who becomes a VIP at $15 or more monthly between now and the end of August will receive 25 "TRUMP BUCKS" in addition to 80% off our FaxFire campaigns, our breakthrough VIP news digest and our exclusive VIP VIDEO BRIEFINGS. Go here to find out more and become a VIP:
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