SHOWDOWN IN CONGRESS! Fax your Senators, your Rep and EVERY Republican Senator to demand they "Stop The Steal!"
Today's SHOWDOWN IN CONGRESS descended into chaos when protestors forced their way into the U.S. Capitol. GOP Representatives and Senators had just begun to make their case against suspected voter fraud and unconstitutional violations of election law. If you still want to see congressional Republicans lead a peaceful, constitutional charge to expose what President Trump insists is a "rigged" election, then make your voice heard with Grassfire's "Stop The Steal!" FaxFire.
+ + Congress Is Trump's LAST STAND! American Patriots Must Demand Action!
Don't let radical Democrats and the Unhinged Left get away with using the COVID pandemic as a pretext to STEAL the presidential election! They told us this is what they were going to do and have almost pulled it off! To help you fight back, Grassfire recently re-launched our EMERGENCY FAXFIRE to target your two Senators, your Representative, and every GOP Senator.
Earlier this week, we updated all the records for the newly sworn-in Congress, so your message will reach EVERY key Senator and Rep -- up to 55 faxes in all. And to encourage every grassroots citizen to take action, we've discounted our LEVEL ONE FaxFire by more than 45%!
If you can, please GO THE EXTRA MILE and choose LEVEL TWO to also reach 46 KEY GOP CONSERVATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for a total of up to 101 faxes! To encourage MAXIMUM PARTICIPATION by our team members, we're offering a 50% discount on our LEVEL TWO faxes. (To see a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information, click here.)
CRITICAL ALERT: Lawmakers are expected to return to the Capitol on Thursday to resume certifying and contesting Joe Biden's Electoral College "victory." Grassfire is urging every grassroots patriot to LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD before this week's joint session of Congress ends. Schedule your personalized message for immediate fax delivery to House and Senate offices now!
Once you select your fax level below, you will be directed to a page where you can customize your fax message and finalize your order.
(Are you a GrassfireVIP? If so, click here to send your "Stop The Steal!" faxes for 80% OFF. Not a GrassfireVIP? Click here to join for only $15 per month.)