URGENT GRASSFIRE CITIZEN ALERT: After passing in the House of Representatives, the Equality Act now goes to the U.S. Senate as S.788. The pressure for passage in the Senate is mounting.
In case you missed the news that the far-Left media is calling "historic," the Pelosi-led House of Representatives along with eight Republicans passed the erroneously named "Equality Act" by a vote of 236-173.
The Equality Act is now headed to the U.S. Senate. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) and other pro-LGBT Senators are already pressuring Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to hold a Senate vote on the Act.
+ + This dangerous bill ushers in government-imposed ideology and unfairness.
The Equality Act rewrites the Civil Liberties Act of 1964 by elevating "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to a protected status. It nullifies the Religious Freedom Restoration Act regarding LGBT issues. The bill does not exempt churches, religious organizations, or Christian schools. It specifically forbids citizens or organizations from raising a religious free exercise claim as a defense against it!
The Equality Act advances abortion services and taxpayer funded abortions through twisted language in the bill and by removing the religious conscience protections for faith-based medical facilities.
It destroys the distinctions between male and female. It empowers men who identify as a woman to compete against women in sporting events. It forces biological women to share bathrooms, locker rooms and shower facilities with transgenders.
The Act is a parental nightmare by placing Big Brother as the ultimate authority over all things "gender related," including overriding the will of parents, as we're already seeing played out in the courts and legislatures. It MANDATES that doctors and hospitals perform sex-change operations on teenagers
+ + We want to deliver 25,000 petitions to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell immediately!
Grassfire is giving citizens who oppose this bill an opportunity to have their voices heard and WILL BE DELIVERING PETITIONS TO SENATE LEADERS BEFORE ANY EXPECTED VOTE IN COMMITTEE OR BY THE FULL SENATE. If you oppose the anti-faith Equality Act and want your name included in this petition, here's what you need to do...
The Equality Act betrays America's believers and effectively criminalizes Christianity by putting us in legal and civil jeopardy for standing against the LGBTQ agenda.
Thanks for taking action!
P.S. Because you are already a Grassfire team member, we will include you on the petition with ONE CLICK. After you sign, please consider faxing Congress on this issue. Go here to sign with ONE CLICK:
I oppose the wrongly-named "Equality Act" -- a very dangerous bill that pushes a radical LGBT agenda while essentially criminalizing Christian beliefs. This bill would strip away religious liberties and put people of faith on the wrong side of the law. It also would force our churches and Christian businesses and schools to conform to the radical LGBT agenda. I urge you to oppose the so-called Equality Act.
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