Today's the day for GOP Senators to stand with President Trump! Grassfire has learned that the Senate convened at 10:00 a.m. ET this morning to begin considering the resolution of disapproval (H.J.Res.46) against America's Commander-in-Chief for declaring a national emergency on illegal immigration.

When we learned this, our staff sent an email to the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), asking what time a vote will take place. Forty minutes later, they replied that it hasn't been scheduled yet. But 21 minutes after that email arrived, we received another one from McConnell's office. It informed us that the Majority Leader WILL stand with the President today when the vote takes place. In fact, McConnell said this on the Senate floor just minutes ago:

"Later today, the Senate will vote on a resolution related to the state of emergency the President has declared on our southern border. Let me first say that I support the President’s decision. So I will vote today to uphold it and reject this resolution of disapproval. ... The President is operating within existing law and the crisis on out border is all too real. I will support the President's decision later today, and I encourage my colleagues to do the same."

The vote on the disapproval of resolution condemning the President is just hours away. Grassfire has made it possible for you to reach directly into the Capitol Hill offices of possible Senate RINOs and other key Senators. Many have said already that they'll side with Democrats against the President. Tell them to stand with Mr. Trump and vote "NO!" on the resolution!

You now have only hours left to demand the entire GOP stand with the President to secure the America's southern border and "Stop The Invasion!" Click here or on the banner below to fax them now:

Click here to fax now.

The targets in "Tier 1" of our "Stop The Invasion!" FaxFire include 10 key Republican Senators. Several are already on record saying they'll vote AGAINST the President's national-emergency declaration on illegal immigration. They need to hear from you now! Demand these RINOs support Mr. Trump's efforts to bypass Congress to fund the border wall! Go here to fax them now.

Again, the Senate is scheduled to vote TODAY on Mr. Trump's national-emergency declaration. That gives American patriots just a few more hours to reach RINOs who say they'll "cross the aisle" to officially "disapprove" of our Commander-in-Chief. Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.

For liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Grassfire feels as if America is at a crossroads. If something isn't done to stop illegal immigration and if the United States refuses to enforce its borders and protect its citizens, we will cease to be the nation our Founding Fathers intended. Instead, we'll become what radical leftists want so badly. "We the People" must make our voices heard! Go here to fax Senators now and tell them to stand with the President to secure our borders, build the wall, and "Stop The Invasion!":

Click here to fax now.

P.P.S. As your online, grassroots-activism services provider, Grassfire also makes it possible for you to send faxes on your own. Click here for a list of targets and their contact information.

Steve Elliott


Steve Elliott is the co-founder of Grassfire, a 1.5 million member liberty-based citizen network. Steve likes to talk about politics, tech, faith and family.