Fax Senators To Demand They "Protect Our Elections!"

The radical, unhinged Left wants to swing ALL future elections in favor of Democrats. New legislation that passed the House is just the same "pig" with new lipstick. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has criticized these partisan power-grabs before, and GOP Senators have repeatedly stopped these Democrat attempts to hijack future elections. But it appears enough Senate Republicans may cave and the "Presidential Election Reform Act" could become law!

++ Urgent Action Needed -- Tell Senators: "Stop A Democrat Takeover Of Our Elections!"

With a vote on the so-called "Presidential Election Reform Act" expected soon, Grassfire has updated the "Protect Our Elections!" FaxFire. Tell Senators where you stand on Democrat efforts to ENGINEER future election results -- like they did in 2020! Select the fax targets of your choosing, and we'll instantly deliver your personalized message to Capitol Hill!

NOTE: The "Protect Our Elections" FaxFire empowers you to reach up to 40 Republican Senatorsfor just $30. If possible, go the "extra mile" and select LEVEL TWO (Bigger Impact) faxes. You'll also reach up to 45 Democrat Senators, up to 85 faxes in all, for only $50 -- a 40% discount. (To see a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information, click here.)

Once you select your fax level below, you will be directed to a page where you can customize your fax message and finalize your order.

Fax up to 40 GOP Senators to demand they "Protect Our Elections!"
Fax all LEVEL ONE targets (up to 40 faxes), and CHIP IN $10 to help Grassfire build!
Fax all of the above, PLUS up to 45 Democrat Senators (up to 85 faxes).
Fax all LEVEL TWO targets (up to 85 faxes), and CHIP IN $10 to help Grassfire build!