I have a special message for our Grassfire team members, as we come to the end of this year. Grassfire is facing a major crisis that threatens our ability to help you stand for life, liberty and limited government. As you know, the "Twitter files" are publicly exposing what we have been telling you, well, for many years.
Big Tech and government forces have colluded to silence the voices of liberty-loving conservatives. Grassfire has been one of the targets. For example, we have one of the largest Facebook pages in the conservative world, but we have seen our posts get shadow banned by 50%, 70% or more over the past two years. Now, the high-tech censors are attacking our very lifeblood: our ability to email you.
Earlier this month, tens of thousands of Grassfire team members were blocked from receiving our updates by major email providers. It happened while Congress was rushing through a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act and put a target on the backs of people of faith and anyone who dares to believe in marriage between one man and one woman.
As a result, we were temporarily blocked from emailing hundreds of thousands of Grassfire team members. Some were contacting us and asking us why they were not receiving our updates. We did send the emails, but they were never received. Our emails were blocked and censored, apparently, because some high-tech leftists didn't like our content.
What is happening to Grassfire, we believe, is part of the larger scandal of social-media companies blocking and shadow banning conservative organizations. For Grassfire, these email blocks and shadow bans are a serious threat to our ability to communicate with patriots across the country, like you. They’ve also created a serious budget crunch.
As a result, Grassfire revenue is down more than 40% from 2021. We believe that shortfall is, in large part, due to the throttling of our messages by the high-tech censors. These attacks will only get worse as we move into the 2024 election cycle. Click here or on the banner below now to help us in this fight:
+ + Grassfire Has A Plan To Expand YOUR Impact In 2023
I want you to know that we are working on a plan to fight back so together we can bypass the censors. I'll be sharing more with you on this in January, but right now we are facing a very serious budget shortfall, and I need your help.
Specifically, I'm hoping friends like you will partner with us to infuse $20,000 of much needed support into Grassfire before the end of this year. That amount won't make up for our entire budget shortfall, but it certainly will help us to finish strong and launch our plan to bypass the high-tech censors, while empowering you to expand your impact at this critical time. Click here to help.
In everything, you have my pledge that, as we have done for more than two decades, we will continue to stand for life, liberty and limited government. Also, we'll work to expand your voice on these key issues in the year ahead. Thank you so much for your consideration.
May God bless America,
Steve Elliott
Grassfire Founder & President
P.S. When Big Tech silences US, they're really silencing YOU. So, in appreciation for your contribution of $20 or more to help Grassfire build in 2023, we'll ship you ONE "Celebrate America" 2023 wall calendar. Contribute $30 or more for TWO and $40 or more to receive THREE calendars. Click here or on the banner below now to help Grassfire:
Note: Contributions to Grassfire are NOT tax deductible.
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