Fax GOP Representatives To Demand They "Oust Liz Cheney!" And Any Other Anti-Trump RINOs From Party Leadership!
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) is one of the most vocal anti-Trump, RINOs in Washington, D.C. Yet, as Republican Conference Chair, she's the third most-powerful GOP lawmaker in the House behind Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA).
Reportedly, a growing number of her colleagues have grown tired of her rhetoric criticizing President Trump and his supporters. Recently, Leader McCarthy was heard on a "hot mic" in an off-camera discussion with FOX News, saying: "I've had it with her." He also said on-camera: "I have heard from members concerned about her ability to carry out the job as conference chair -- to carry out the message."
Do you support removing Rep. Cheney from her leadership role in the House of Representatives? If so, take action to make your voice heard utilizing Grassfire's "Oust Liz Cheney!" FaxFire. We're empowering our team members to let GOP Representatives know where they stand on the Wyoming lawmaker -- and any other anti-Trump Republicans in House leadership.
+ + Call On House Republicans To Take Action NOW!
We created this "Oust Liz Cheney!" FaxFire for maximum impact! Reach more than FOUR DOZEN Republican lawmakers in the House for just $25. That's a 50% discount! If possible, select LEVEL TWO (Bigger Impact) to reach 100 GOP Reps at 55% off or LEVEL THREE (Biggest Impact) to fax EVERY Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives at a savings of 67%! Take action now to make your voice heard in support of President Trump and "America First"!
Your faxes aren't intended to be a personal attack against one GOP lawmaker. Instead, you can become part of a movement to make sure EVERY Republican in the House AND Senate stays united in fighting against the extreme, far-left policies of the Biden administration and radical Democrats. Simply select your fax targets and have a personalized message instantly delivered to House members now!
Once you select your fax level below, you will be directed to a page where you can customize your "Oust Liz Cheney!" fax message and finalize your order. To send your own faxes, click here for a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information.
(Are you a GrassfireVIP? If so, click here to send your LEVEL ONE "Oust Liz Cheney!" faxes for 80% OFF. Not a GrassfireVIP? Click here to join for only $15 per month.)