Sir or Madame,


I am contacting you to urge you to vote NO on the "supplemental" spending bill that includes billions in funding for Ukraine.


I am outraged that Congress is rushing a vote on a massive deficit spending bill that sends $60 BILLION in additional funds to Joe's Ukraine proxy war. This is another SELLOUT of America that undermines our nation, adds $100 billion to the national debt and pushes our world closer to World War III!


I am also outraged that the bill includes a built-in IMPEACHMENT TRAP that could be used against President Trump by guaranteeing Ukraine funds into the next president's term.


America should NOT fund this proxy war. And Congres certainly should not borrow even one additional dime for foreign wars when our nation is in crisis and our border is being invaded.


I urge you... vote NO on the Ukraine funding supplemental deficit spending monstrosity.



Tax-Paying American Citizen