I received this message last night from my friend, Gary LeBlanc of Mercy Chefs -- Grassfire's disaster relief partner. Mercy Chefs is deploying in response to the Kentucky flood disaster.
Please see Gary's message below. I'm hoping the Grassfire team will help sponsor several hundred meals this weekend for Kentucky flood victims. Go here to sponsor 10, 20 or even 50 meals for Kentucky flood victims, and see below for more details.
Steve Elliott, Grassfire
From: Gary LeBlanc
Subject: KY flood tragedy; help flood victims!
Date: July 29, 2022 at 7:01:04 PM EDT
To: Steve Elliott
FRIDAY P.M. from Eastern Kentucky
Ann and I just arrived in Eastern Kentucky where communities have been devastated by the tragic floodingthat has already claimed 20 lives and officials are bracing for an even higher death toll.
Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear called this week's flooding "one of the worse, most devastating flooding events in Kentucky's history" and said the flooding has already reached "extreme, historic levels."
"This is so deadly, and it hit so hard, and it hit in the middle of the night," said the Governor, who added, "we've never seen something like this."
+ + Serving hot meals to flood victims THIS WEEKEND
Our Mercy Chefs teams immediately deployed on news of this major flood disaster. As I noted, Ann and I arrived this afternoon, and additional members of our team will be arriving here over the next 24 hours. I fully expect to be serving hot meals to flood victims, volunteers and emergency responders THIS WEEKEND -- as soon as tomorrow.
This is precisely why Mercy Chefs exists -- to go and feed people chef-quality meals in the midst of disaster. Right now, families in Eastern Kentucky are reeling from a major flood tragedy that has claimed many lives and destroyed countless homes and businesses.
Eastern Kentucky needs our help right now! I'm asking you to help Mercy Chefs respond by making your most generous gift today so we can feed flood victims THIS WEEKEND. Go here to make your tax-deductible gift:
+ + Just $50 will provide 14 meals for flood victims THIS WEEKEND
The first 24-48 hours of every deployment is often the most critical. We are setting up supply lines, getting our staff on location, and rushing to get the first meals served during these critical first days following a disaster.
If you can donate $50, we'll get 14 chef-quality, hot meals to disaster victims and workers. Just $105 will help feed 30 flood victims. Perhaps you can do more and contribute $500 (140 meals), $1,000 (280 meals) or more. Every gift will make a difference.
I'll have more details for you tomorrow as we get ready to serve our first meals to flood victims here in Kentucky.
For now, PLEASE PRAY for the people of Eastern Kentucky! Pray for the families who have lost loved ones and just had their world shattered. Pray for those who have lost homes and businesses. Lift up the emergency workers who are still searching for the missing. And pray for our teams as we get ready to serve the people here.
And thanks in advance for your help.
God bless,
Gary and Ann LeBlanc
News sources: here, here and here
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