Hong Kong's Brave Freedom Defenders Need Our Help! Now, Fax Your Senators And Demand Action...
THANK YOU for taking action to stand with the citizens of Hong Kong who are standing for freedom! These brave freedom defenders are singing our National Anthem and waving the American flag -- and asking for the people of the United States to stand with them!
There is a bill in Congress called the "Hong Kong Human Rights And Democracy Act" that would exert the pressure of the U.S. government in support of Hong Kong autonomy against China.
++Citizen Action: Fax Your Senators And Urge Support
Grassfire has set up a "Stand With Hong Kong" FaxFire so you can let Senators know where you stand on the issue of Hong Kong autonomy and this bill. Simply select the fax targets of your choosing and get your message delivered to the Senate right now!
We have focused this FaxFire to reach your two Senators and all the Senate leaders, since the bill is expected to come first before the Senate. If possible, select "Level Two" (Bigger Impact) and reach all GOP members of the Senate. (To see a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information, click here.)
Once you select your fax level below, you will be directed to a page where you can customize your fax message and finalize your order.