Sign The National Petition Demanding The Biden Regime NOT Hand Over American Sovereignty To The WHO!
Take action to stop Joe Biden and the radical, unhinged Left from handing over America's sovereignty -- and control of the U.S. health-care system -- to the World Health Organization (WHO). The far-Left, China-backed WHO has been working on a "global pandemic treaty" since December 2021 that would directly threaten U.S. autonomy and independence.
Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution says the federal government "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties." You can urge Senators to vote "No!" on ANY treaty that gives away or limits America's sovereignty.
+ + Demand The Biden Regime "Say No To The WHO Treaty Takeover!"
You can call on Republicans in Congress to take action and demand they "Say No To The WHO Treaty Takeover!" If you think Joe Biden and the radical, unhinged Left are wrong to allow the WHO to make health decisions for Americans, take action to oppose it now!
Sign the national petition to "Say No To The WHO Treaty Takeover!" below. Grassfire representatives will deliver your petition to congressional leaders on Capitol Hill when we reach 20,000 signatures.
Petition: "Say No To The WHO Treaty Takeover!"
The radical, unhinged Left's fear-ridden, unscientific and heavy-handed response to COVID-19 was a horrific, catastrophic failure. The world needs less authoritarianism and tyranny, not more. That's why I do NOT support the idea of a single, worldwide response to future "health emergencies" managed by the far-left, China-backed World Health Organization (WHO). The Biden regime doesn't care that the WHO likely would use a "global pandemic treaty" to intensify future lockdowns and mandates -- ones that destroyed global economies and life as we once knew it. But I do! That's why I'm signing this national petition to demand Senators take immediate action to protect American sovereignty and "Say No To The WHO Treaty Takeover!"
Will you sign?
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