Fax Key Leaders in Congress!
The United States Senate will soon hold its FINAL votes TODAY on a $40 BILLION aid package for Ukraine. Do you want Senators to PRIORITIZE SECURING OUR SOUTHERN BORDER before spending TENS OF BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to finance a "proxy war" with Russia? If so, take immediate action! Tell the Biden regime to "Stop Protecting The Wrong Border!"
More than two million illegal aliens have crossed into the U.S. from Mexico since the Biden regime came to power a year ago. This border crisis threatens our great nation's sovereignty, security and way of life. Shouldn't protecting American interests come before sending our tax money to secure Ukraine's border against a Russian invasion?
Grassfire condemns the Russian invasion, and we recognize the need to help provide urgent humanitarian aid to Ukraine. But as an American taxpayer, you can support the Ukrainian people, criticize Russia and STILL demand Joe Biden protect our border, too. If you agree, take immediate action using our "Stop Protecting The Wrong Border!" FaxFire.
+ + Call On The Biden Regime To "Don't Spend BILLIONS Protecting The Wrong Border!"
You can call on Republicans and moderate Democrats in Congress to take action and demand Joe Biden: "Don't Spend BILLIONS Protecting The Wrong Border!" Do you think the Biden regime should focus on stopping illegal immigration along America's southern border before committing another $40 BILLION from taxpayers to fight a "proxy war" with Russia? (That would total $54 BILLION in Ukraine aid since March!) If so, make your voice heard!
Our "Don't Spend BILLIONS Protecting The Wrong Border!" FaxFire empowers you to reach ALL 50 Republican Senators and moderate Democrats -- Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia. That's 52 faxes for only $30. If possible, "go the extra mile" and select LEVEL TWO for an even bigger impact. Fax all 100 United States Senators for just $50. That's half off our regular price!
To encourage maximum participation from our team members, we discounted BOTH LEVELS of this urgent FaxFire by 40 and 50 percent! Once you select your fax level below, you'll be directed to a page where you can customize your "Wrong Border" fax message and finalize your order.
(For a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact info, click here now.)
Are you a GrassfireVIP? If so, click here to sign in and send your "Stop Protecting The Wrong Border!" faxes for 80% OFF. Not a GrassfireVIP? Click here to join for only $15 per month.