Dear Senator,


I'm faxing today to urge you, a duly elected member of the United States Senate, to pressure Joe Biden and the members of his administration to "BRING OUR PEOPLE HOME!" from Afghanistan. An estimated 15,000 American citizens (or more) are trapped and waiting evacuation from the Taliban-controlled nation, yet the Biden administration says they can't guarantee their safety. That's simply unacceptable and must change immediately!


The chaos in Afghanistan has come happened as a result of Joe Biden's horrible foreign-policy decisions and strategy. In his book Memoirs of a Secretary at War, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates wrote that he thinks Mr. Biden "has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." American citizens trapped inside a nation controlled by Taliban terrorists should NOT have to pay the price for the so-called "Commander-in-Chief's" mistakes.


No American should get left behind. President Ronald Reagan famously said, "Government's first duty is to protect the people." Yet, the Biden administration has told citizens trapped in Afghanistan "THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR SECURITY." Also, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has claimed publicly, "We don't have the capability to go out and collect large numbers of people." That's simply NOT TRUE!


Please, Senator, use whatever power and influence you have to take bold, immediate action and "BRING OUR PEOPLE HOME!" as quickly as possible through any means necessary and available. Thank you for your time and attention to this important and urgent issue.




A Concerned, American Taxpayer