The Guardian is reporting on a new study that identifies five healthly lifestyle habits that can add years to your life. Specifically, for a 50-year-old, these five habits can add 12 years for a man (46% increase) and 14 years for a woman (48% increase). What are the five?
According to The Guardian, citing a study from the journal Circulation, the five habits are:
"...not smoking; having a body mass index between 18.5 and 25; taking at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, having no more than one 150ml glass of wine a day for women, or two for men; and having a diet rich in items such as fruit, vegetables and whole grains and low in red meat, saturated fats and sugar."
So. don't smoke control your weight, exercise, go light on the wine and eat a fruit/veggie/whole grain diet. Not too tough!
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