"It's as if Satan is roaming the earth as coronavirus."
The wife of a Grassfire staff member made that observation early last week, as panic was intensifying and much of the nation had not yet shutdown. This morning, as threats of tyrannical closings and cancellations grew, this warning came to mind from 1 Peter 5:8, "(Y)our adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (NKJV).
That "roaring lion" sounds a little bit like the Chinese Coronavirus, doesn't it?
However, just one verse earlier in 1 Peter, believers are told to cast "all your care upon Him, for He cares for you" (v. 7). Also, in John 14:1, Jesus says, "Let not your heart be troubled."
It's difficult to face the unknown consequences of a threat like the Chinese Coronavirus. Is the pandemic really as bad as many people fear? Or is a fear-mongering media, aligned with far-Left political "leaders," stoking unnecessary panic for their own gain?
Unfortunately, Grassfire doesn't have an answer for either question right now. But what we do know is this: "Your eyes have seen every great act of the Lord which He did" (Deuteronomy 11:7).
As believers, each of us has a legacy of faith. Hopefully, yours is a rich history filled with God's peace, provision and protection. He promises to walk with us through the valleys and to the mountain tops, allowing us to "see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" (Psalm 27:12).
Grassfire's faith, hope and trust are in Him. If yours is too -- especially in the face of the Chinese Coronavirus -- we encourage you to let your family, friends and neighbors know. Our exclusive "God Bless America" yard signs are a great way to share a positive, uplifting message with your entire community. Click here or on the image below to order these popular and patriotic lawn displays now:
"God Bless America" yard signs are 26" x 16" and come with their own stands for posting outside your home, office, church or school. Constructed of rugged, weather-resistant plastic, they can be displayed rain or shine to share a powerful message that needs to be on the hearts and minds of EVERY American.
Has there ever been a time when our nation needed the Lord's blessing more than we do right now?
Plant a "flag of faith" in your yard with our "God Bless America" yard signs. Discounts are available when you order more than one, and Grassfire ships these pro-faith, pro-U.S.A. lawn displays ABSOLUTELY FREE! Go here to order one for $30, two for $55 and three for $75.
Thanks, in advance, for your support.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. We want to get these popular and patriotic yard signs to as many of our team members as possible to encourage family, friends and neighbors to trust the Lord, especially in tough times like these. Grassfire's "God Bless America" lawn displays ship FREE, and discounts are available when you order more than one. Click here or on the image below to get yours now:
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