UPDATE: 12 Senate RINOs can STILL change course on radical, same-sex marriage bill! >>FAX SENATORS NOW<<

The so-called "Respect for Marriage Act" threatens the constitutional, First Amendment rights of conservatives, Christians and other people of faith. Anyone who rejects the homosexual lifestyle and holds traditional views on marriage and sexuality could be punished if this anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill becomes law.

GOP Senators appear to be the last hope for millions of Americans who could see their freedom of religion and freedom of speech "canceled" regarding same-sex marriage. Click here to fax key Senate Republicans now!

Last week, a "Dirty Dozen" of RINO Senators (Republicans In Name Only) voted to "advance" the horribly misnamed "Respect for Marriage Act" (H.R.8404). A staffer inside Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) office says additional votes on this threat to religious liberty COULD happen next Monday. That means, it's not too late for those 12 Senators to change course.

The Daily Signal points out that Wednesday's vote only moved the bill forward. The "Dirty Dozen" supported a "motion to proceed," which allowed the Senate to debate H.R.8404, but lawmakers can still change their minds and vote against it next week.

Also according to The Daily Signal, "There's no shortage of opposition to the bill." Their article quotes "a senior Republican aide" who said, "These 12 Republican members that are choosing to vote for this bill right now (for cloture, for a motion to proceed) they know what the consequences of this bill are... They're just choosing to ignore it. And that's the biggest problem right now."

+ + URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Fax Senators Now! Demand They Stop The "DIS-RESPECT FOR MARRIAGE" Act From Becoming Law!

On Friday, we shared that a Capitol Hill contact told us it will take "an abrupt development" to keep H.R.8404 from passing next week. You can be that "abrupt development"! Help flood Capitol Hill offices with "Stop The Dis-Respect For Marriage Act!" faxes, and tell Senators to protect YOUR constitutional, First Amendment rights.

It takes just TWO MINUTES to fax Senators and demand they "Stop The Dis-Respect For Marriage Act." Go here to send your personalized message to Capitol Hill now:

+ + Fight To Protect Your First-Amendment, Religious-Liberty Rights!

Again, final Senate votes on the anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ H.R.8404 are expected after Thanksgiving. That's why, Grassfire is empowering you to demand that Senators take a stand NOW to protect the constitutional rights of conservatives, Christians and other people of faith who reject same-sex marriage.

A one-man, one-woman marriage has been a fundamental, building block of society for thousands of years. But radical Democrats, the Unhinged Left and the "woke mob" want to force Americans to embrace their gay-rights and trans-rights agenda. We the People have seen enough of the far-Left's "cancel culture" to know they'll attack anyone and everyone who refuses to embrace their godless, socialist and progressive "group think."

The 12 "squishy," weak-kneed, Senate RINOs who voted to "advance" this anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill are: Sens. Roy Blunt (MO), Richard Burr (NC), Shelley Capito (WV), Susan Collins (ME), Joni Ernst (IA), Cynthia Lummis (WY), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Rob Portman (OH), Mitt Romney (UT), Dan Sullivan (AK), Thom Tillis (NC) and Todd Young (IN). This "Dirty Dozen" stood with Democrats determined to punish Americans for not bowing to the radical, unhinged Left's pro-gay and pro-trans agenda.

You can call on GOP Senators, right now, to block passage of the misnamed "Respect For Marriage Act." Demand Senate Republicans protect conservatives, Christians and other people of faith. Take immediate action to stop H.R.8404 from infringing on the First Amendment rights of Americans who support traditional marriage! SEND YOUR FAXES HERE -- BEFORE THE SENATE'S NEXT VOTE. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard today. 

Standing for life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Thanks to a "Dirty Dozen" of Senate RINOs, H.R.8404 has already cleared one key legislative hurdle. More votes are pending early next week. Pro-faith patriots MUST ACT NOW to demand GOP Senators stop this anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill from becoming law. Go here to send your "Stop Dis-Respecting Marriage!" faxes now:


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