We want to make sure you didn't miss yesterday's urgent update from Grassfire president Steve Elliott. (See below.) The D.C. Swamp is still trying to take down President Trump, and your help is needed to stop them!

The alarming headline of an opinion article published by The Hill yesterday tells "America First" patriots everything they need to know about the continuing attacks on Trump:

Congress has the power to block Trump from taking office, but lawmakers must act now

As unbelievable as it may seem, two radical, far-left Democrats outlined -- in great detail -- about how they think their LAWFARE campaign can continue against President Trump. As if the headline alone wasn't shocking enough, the authors ridiculously claim:

"Disqualification is based on insurrection against the Constitution and not the government. The evidence of Donald Trump's engaging in such insurrection is overwhelming."

NONE of the frivolous, baseless and highly partisan POLITICAL PERSECUTION of America's 45th AND 47th Commander-in-Chief charged him with the crime of "insurrection." But obviously, the Deep State won't stop their relentless efforts to "Get Trump."

These constant threats to undermine the President's MAGA agenda are why Grassfire so urgently needs your help in the final days of 2024. Due to BIG TECH shadow-banning, suppressing and/or blocking of our daily updates, we're closing out the year with a $20,000 budget shortfall.

To start 2025 on the best financial footing possible, we urgently need your generous support! Please go here to help us keep fighting for life, liberty and limited government, or see Steve's SPECIAL MESSAGE below to learn more about what's really at stake in the year ahead.

Thank you, in advance, for taking a stand today.

The Grassfire Team

Thursday p.m.

Special Message for MAGA Patriots--

Did you see what just happened in Congress?

The RINOs and the Uni-Party tried AGAIN to pass a massive, "Nightmare Before Christmas" spending boondoggle that included a major pay raise for themselves! They thought they could sneak another spending DISASTER through and then run off for Christmas.

But MAGA PATRIOTS TOOK A STAND and stopped that monstrosity!

If we had sat by silently, another spending disaster would have been passed by the RINOs and the Left. 

All this means one thing...

Our greatest and most important battles to defend President Trump's MAGA agenda are right in front of us! Our actions -- especially over the next 100 days -- will decide if MAGA wins or loses!

That's why I'm reaching out to you today.

+ + We urgently need your help right now...

After more than 20 years, Grassfire is STILL on the leading edge of this battle to save America. Every day, we reach and help engage HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of patriots.

But right now, Grassfire is facing a serious shortfall. Our team threw everything we had into rallying patriots and fighting the lies of the Left in the days leading up to Election Day. Plus, Big Tech censors have continued to shadow ban Grassfire. Just before the election, we saw our content get blocked -- AGAIN!

These attacks have left us with a serious shortfall. In this final week of the year, Grassfire must raise $20,000 from patriots across the country to help us finish 2024 and launch even stronger into 2025.

I'm turning to core friends like you and asking for your help.

Would you please consider matching or exceeding the best contribution you've ever made to Grassfire with a gift right now? Go here to help fight the RINOs and radical, unhinged leftists who want to destroy President Trump's MAGA agenda:

+ + Special gifts for you...

Even $20 or $30 will make a huge difference! Every gift helps.

In fact, if you can help Grassfire with a contribution of ANY AMOUNT (go here for more), my team has prepared two special gifts for you.

Go here to view and request your special gifts.

Most importantly, you'll be helping one of America's longest-standing, grassroots-citizen networks at the most crucial time in the history of the MAGA movement!

The RINOs, the radical, unhinged Left and the FAKE NEWS Media are going to do everything in their power to destroy President Trump's agenda. That's why I must expand Grassfire's online team, so we can inform and help engage hundreds of thousands of citizens for this fight.

But right now, we're facing a critical, year-end need.

+ + My pledge to you...

In everything, you have my pledge that we will continue to stand for life, liberty and limited government. Grassfire has led this fight for more than two decades, and we will continue to expose the RINOs and the radical, unhinged Left as we help YOU stand for liberty.

Thank you so much for your consideration.

May God bless America,

Steve Elliott, Grassfire

P.S. This is a critical time -- perhaps the most important moment for the MAGA movement. We MUST fight the RINOs and the Left every time they pull their backroom, dirty tricks or openly fight President Trump's agenda. Grassfire is on the leading edge of this battle. We reach HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of patriots every day! But we are facing a critical need right now. Please help! Go here:

Source: The Hill

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Contributions to Grassfire are not tax-deductible.

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 © 2024 Grassfire, a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.