Fax Now And Tell The Senate You Support the Census Citizenship Question!

THANK YOU for taking action on this critical issue! Sadly, it seems President Trump is standing alone in his determination to include the Citizenship question on the 2020 census.

The U.S. Census has historically asked about naturalization and citizenship until OBAMA removed the question from the decennial census on 2010. Now President Trump is being attacked for wanting to include the question -- with Speaker Pelosi saying this is all about race:

++Urgent Action: Tell the Senate where you stand!

Grassfire has set up a FaxFire so you can let Senators know where you stand on this important issue. Simply select the fax targets of your choosing and get your message delivered to the Senate right now!

UPDATE: This week is CRITICAL. If possible, select "Level Two" (Bigger Impact) and reach all GOP members of the Senate. (To see a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information, click here.)

Once you select your fax level below, you will be directed to a page where you can customize your fax message and finalize your order.

Fax your two Senators, your Rep and 12 GOP Senators who have been weakest in their support of the President(up to 15 faxes in all).
Fax above PLUS all all GOP Senators (up to 53 faxes in all).
FAX all above PLUS ALL Senators (up to 101 faxes).