ACTION NEEDED: Demand GOP Reps Expose Joe AND Hunter! Fax D.C. Now!
UPDATE: The FBI has now searched multiple locations looking for classified documents held by America's so-called "Commander-in-Chief." On Wednesday, agents confiscated "some materials and handwritten notes" found at Joe's Delaware beach house "that appear to relate to his time as vice president."
While the documents seized this week, reportedly, did not have classified markings, they still were turned over to the special counsel investigating the scandal. Add Wednesday's search to yesterday's news about Hunter finally admitting the "laptop from h*ll" really is his, and America should have an actual presidential scandal on our hands.
Unlike the August 2022 FBI raid of President Trump's home, when agents insisted on storming Mar-a-Lago to seize documents behind a locked door that the agency knew about, the Department of "Justice" appears to be slow-walking their investigations of Joe AND Hunter. (Remember, a president CAN de-classify information. VPs and senators CAN'T.)
When will the Establishment Media catch up? When will Congress finally get serious about finding out what Joe's been doing with those classified documents all these years? Earlier this week (see below), we told you how it appears that Hunter may have been using information from that material to further his business dealings in Ukraine and, possibly, other countries.
For only $30 (a 35% discount), your LEVEL TWO faxes can reach up to 46 Representatives, including members of the House Freedom Caucus. Go the "extra mile" with LEVEL THREE to reach EVERY Republican House member with a working fax line (up to 190 total faxes) for $70 -- a 63% discount!
A recent poll shows that 48% of Americans say this document fiasco is a "major scandal." If you want the GOP-controlled House to use their subpoena power to hold Joe and Hunter accountable, make your voice heard! Click here to fax Reps on Capitol Hill now. Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Earlier this week, we told you about THREE Hunter emails that appear to contain classified information. (See that update below for full details.) That's huge news, especially considering the additional revelations that have come to light in the past 48 hours. If "America First" patriots, like you, want to see Congress take action to FULLY investigate the "First Family," they MUST make their voices heard. Go here to fax GOP Representatives now:
+ + + + + + +
Monday afternoon:
BREAKING: THREE Hunter Emails May Have Classified Info... Fax Reps Now!
Our friends at The Gateway Pundit dropped a journalistic bombshell this morning. They've found evidence that emails on Hunter's laptop include information from classified documents discovered at Joe's Delaware home. Here's an excerpt from TGP's exclusive, breaking-news report:
The ßiden crime family made millions in Ukraine performing nefarious and criminal activities including espionage. ... Today we have uncovered a third email showing more ßiden family crimes related to classified information and espionage. This email discovered on Hunter ßiden's laptop was sent from Sean Keeley from Blue Star Strategies a firm that has reportedly been under investigation by the DOJ since 2021
Do you think federal law enforcement should work to expose possible crimes and influence peddling by Joe, Hunter and other family members? If so, you can fax key Republicans on Capitol Hill now! Demand the GOP-controlled House force the FBI and DOJ to end their two-tiered "justice system."
+ + Demand The GOP-Controlled House "Investigate Joe & Hunter!"
America has seen this many times before. Federal authorities fail to arrest and convict well-connected Democrats who, apparently, live under the protection of a two-tiered "justice" system. Yet, Republicans and "America First" patriots continue being targeted for ridiculous "offenses." For proof of that, you don't need to look any further than the treatment of January 6th "insurrectionists" and "rioters" versus BLM and Antifa "peaceful protestors."
If you want the GOP-controlled House of Representatives to call for hearings and investigations, while forcing federal law-enforcement agencies to do their job, fax Capitol Hill now! If you can, please GO THE EXTRA MILE today and choose LEVEL TWO or LEVEL THREE faxes to reach even more Republican Reps. Click here to fax now. (To send your own faxes, click here for a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information.)
Hunter has been mired in drug-abuse, prostitution, firearms and other alleged scandals for years. Joe, aka "The Big Guy," has also been scrutinized for his behavior and alleged influence peddling both in and out of office. If you think this classified-documents debacle should be the last straw, tell GOP Reps to do whatever's necessary to "Investigate Joe And Hunter!" by forcing the FBI and DOJ to do their jobs. Thanks, in advance, for taking action.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Allegations that the "First Family" has enriched themselves at the expense of the American taxpayer through their private dealings with Ukraine, China, Russia and other countries have dogged Joe and Hunter for years. The discovery of MULTIPLE classified documents at MULTIPLE locations should add a sense of urgency. If you think it's time to take action against possible criminal activity and/or corruption, go here to fax Republicans now:
Note: Out of respect, Grassfire usually avoids referring to elected officials and their families by their first name only. But we're making an exception in the case of "Joe" and "Hunter" to avoid possible Big Tech censorship of emails that include his last name. We've also "stylized" the family's last name (ßiden) when citing outside sources to avoid being censored.
Handwritten Notes Seized From ßiden's Rehoboth Beach House Now Part of Special Counsel's Investigation into Classified Documents Scandal (The Gateway Pundit)
Hunter ßiden Claims His Laptop (The Wall Street Journal)
Poll: Nearly Half of Americans Consider ßiden's Handling of Classified Documents a 'Major Scandal' (Breitbart News)
EXCLUSIVE: THIRD Hunter ßiden Email from Laptop with Classified Information Uncovered (The Gateway Pundit)
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