With the House planning a full floor vote on the anti-faith Equality Act NEXT WEEK, we are just now learning the full ramifications of this dangerous bill. In addition to effectively CRIMINALIZING CHRISTIANITY by elevating gender "identity" to a protected status, the bill also will effectively force citizens to FUND and even PERFORM abortions!
This is because the Equality Act not only expands protections based on "sexual orientation" and gender identity," Pelosi and her team have also included in the definition of the word "sex" the following:
"pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition."
It may seem odd to add those words to the definition of "sex," but the bill then immediately explains why...
"...pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition shall not receive less favorable treatment than other physical conditions"
The key phrase here is "shall not receive less favorable treatment." In other words, a doctor or a hospital couldn't discriminate against those seeking an abortion. As Family Research Council's Tony Perkins explains:
"Under this big new umbrella of "discrimination," any American who doesn't want to fund, offer, perform, or participate in abortion-on-demand will have no real choice. They can conform -- or they can be punished.... Taxpayers will be openly funding the culture of death all across America." (emphasis added)
And since the Equality Act specifically rejects any religious exemption that may be provided by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, faith-based hospitals and Christian doctors and nurses will not be able to raise a conscientious objection.
+ + Critical Action This Week...
We have also learned that Republicans may have at their disposal a procedural maneuver that could kill the legislation in the House and avoid a major showdown in the Senate (sources say the bill may be within a few votes of passage in the Senate). Grassfire has re-set our "Stop The Anti-Faith Equality Act" to get your message directly to your Representative along with the key GOP leaders who can stop this -- starting with the House Freedom Caucus.
With a House floor vote likely to take place next week, Grassfire's "Stop The Anti-Faith Equality Act" FaxFire gives you an opportunity to get your message through to your members of Congress as well as key Republicans who could stop this bill. Go here to schedule your faxes NOW:
NOTE: This is a NEW FaxFire. if you sent faxes previously, do so again now!
(Not a monthly member? Click here to join and send this fax at 80% off.)
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If possible, please select the "Bigger Impact" Level Two faxes and reach the entire GOP House Freedom Caucus
Thanks for taking action!
P.S. Our representatives HAND-DELIVERED thousands of petitions last week on behalf of our team members. Now, you can join with others in taking action to flood Congress with thousands of faxes! Go here to send faxes:
Bill Text (search "related medical condition"
For Grassfire reports on the Equality Act, go here.
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