Dear Senator,
It took 20 years from the British Parliament to outlaw slavery. John Quincy Adams worked for nearly two decades to get rid of the "gag rule" in the House of Representatives that automatically blocked anti-slavery laws in the U.S. Many years passed before the Civil War finally settled the issue.
Pro-life Americans are praying that the pro-death tide will turn against Democrats before the human-rights issue of abortion further divides our great nation. Enough is enough! An estimated 61 million preborn infants have been murdered by abortion since the 1973 "Roe v. Wade" Supreme Court decision "legalized" the procedure. Abortion IS America's "holocaust."
Senate Democrats, including you, exposed their "culture of death" for the entire nation to see with their vote against prohibiting infanticide. I was disgusted by your "NO" vote against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S.311), which would "prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion."
I was appalled by the actions of so many Democrat Senators who gave a literal "thumbs down" gesture to deliver their vote (as if they were the Roman emperor "Commodus" condemning a warrior to die in the film "Gladiator"). What were those Democrats giving their "thumbs down" to? Saving a newborn child's life???
S.311, which calls for NOT killing babies that survive abortion, should be an easy bill to support. Yet, you chose to condemn infants to die whose only "sin" is being born alive after their mother's attempt to abort them. Many "pro-choice" advocates have become so unhinged that barbarism and hysteria have replaced empathy and reason in the fight over abortion. It's time to stop using the preborn and newly born as political pawns and to give them the right to life that they deserve!
The THUMBS DOWN display on the Senate floor -- against bills to stop infanticide AND to protect the lives of babies at the point of viability -- was so appalling that I'm faxing today to express my disgust. Seeing 44 "pro-death" Democrat Senators bow to the abortion industry that way was unacceptable!
Americans are serious about seeing heinous brutality against preborn and post-born infants stop. That’s why pro-life patriots, like me, are speaking up. We’re making our voices heard because EVERY baby deserves the right to be born and to receive the help he or she needs to survive. I will continue to cherish and respect life, while encouraging fellow citizens and lawmakers to do the same. That is the best hope for the unborn in our great nation.
A Concerned U.S. Citizen
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