The Republican National Committee is asking the Supreme Court to intervene to stop 41,000 illegal aliens from voting in Arizona.

Let's be clear... 41,000 votes is enough to DETERMINE THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION IN ARIZONA.

This is not an isolated problem. Earlier this month, Virginia's governor announced that his staff was taking action to remove thousands of illegals from Virginia's voting rolls.

House Speaker Mike Johnson called the reality that illegals are voting in our federal elections a "clear and present danger" and added...

"If a nefarious actor wants to intervene in our elections, all they have to do is check a box on a form and sign their name. That's it. That's all that's required. And there's a very small chance that illegal would get caught."

+ + Sign the STOP ILLEGALS FROM VOTING petition NOW!

According to our records, you still have not yet signed our "STOP ILLEGALS FROM VOTING" petition. This could be the most important issue leading up to the November elections.

Will you add your name today?

<< Click here to sign our petition to STOP ILLEGALS FROM VOTING IN NOVEMBER>>

This is critical. The Left is openly working to "reshape the electorate" through immigration -- most of which is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Citizens need to have a voice!



Thanks for standing for liberty,


P.S. It takes 30 seconds to take a stand. Go here:

Sources: here, here, here and here

<< Click here to sign our petition to STOP ILLEGALS FROM VOTING IN NOVEMBER>>