October 13, 2022
From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, Grassfire
I'm contacting Grassfire team members, like you, and asking for help to launch what could be our most important campaign this year.
We're calling it "SAVE AMERICA: VOTE RED."
Let's face it...
America is teetering on the brink (of cultural and economic ruin, not to mention Armageddon!). The radical, unhinged Left is stripping away our core national, cultural, family, faith and (even) sexual IDENTITY, so they can CONTROL us and make us SLAVES of the state.
That's why Grassfire is launching SAVE AMERICA: VOTE RED -- to help kick-start a grassroots movement of "America First" patriots to both VOTE RED and rally their friends.
Our initial goal is to reach ONE MILLION voters with a multi-media campaign center around this urgent call to action. I want to reach three million, five million, even ten million. But to get started, I urgently need your help.
Specifically, Grassfire MUST raise $10,000 in the next week to launch SAVE AMERICA: VOTE RED. We need to build momentum right now AND for the next 26 days.
Will you stand with us today?
Just $30 will help us reach about 3,000 citizens with SAVE AMERICA: VOTE RED in the next 26 days.
Will you help me launch SAVE AMERICA: VOTE RED with a contribution of $30 or more?
+ + Four gifts for you...
In appreciation for your contribution of $30 or more, we'll send you FOUR GIFTS -- including our official "SAVE AMERICA: VOTE RED" ReStickers. But most importantly, you'll be banding together with citizens across the country who are DRAWING A LINE and declaring, "We are going to turn this nation around!"
Again, this is the most important campaign Grassfire has launched this year. Initially, I want to reach at least ONE MILLION citizens with SAVE AMERICA: VOTE RED. But with your help, this could go viral and reach MANY MILLIONS!
But to do that, I urgently need your support this week. Please complete the form below and help us launch SAVE AMERICA: VOTE RED. And thanks for the stand you're taking.
For life, liberty and limited government,
Steve Elliott
P.S. We need just $10,000 in the next seven days to launch SAVE AMERICA: VOTE RED. I'm coming first to core Grassfire friends who have stood with us in the past. Will you help? Just $30 will enable us to reach 3,000 "America First" patriots. Our initial goal is to reach one million citizens, but I want to reach five, 10 or even 20 million over the next 21 days.
Simply complete the form below to help Grassfire build and receive your gifts. (Please allow two to four weeks for delivery.)
Note: There's a $10 minimum on all contributions made by credit/debit cards. To contribute by mail, print this page and send it with your check or money order made out to "Grassfire" to the following address: "Vote Red" ReSticker Offer, c/o Grassfire, P.O. Box 9095, Chesapeake, VA 23321