Special Memorial Day Weekend Offer...
Receive A Full-Sized American Flag when you help Grassfire with a gift of ANY AMOUNT!
We've never offered our full-sized AMERICAN FLAG for any amount.... until this Memorial Day weekend!
Why now? Because we believe our nation would be changed if every patriot simply flew the American Flag in this election year!
The STARS AND STRIPES is still the greatest symbol of American liberty. And research shows that when people see the flag, they tend to vote more for candidates who support liberty! These 100% polyester flags are 36" x 60" (a full 15 square feet!) with two brass grommets and double stitching on three sides. The fourth side is QUADRUPLE stitched to help prevent wind damage.
Two bonus gifts when you help Grassfire with $30 or more...
If you can help Grassfire build with a contribution of $30 or more today, we'll send you one 3' x 5' American flag along with our two most patriotic resources -- our 4x6 American Flag ReSticker and our very popular "I LOVE AMERICA" ReSticker.
Grassfire urgently needs your help this month! We continue to face shadow-banning and outright censoring from Silicon Valley. Right now, we are far behind our budget for the month. If you can, please contribute $30, $40 or even $50 to help Grassfire! For $30 or more, you'll receive all three patriotic resources.
For contributions by mail: $10 minimum. Please print this page and send your check or money order made out to "Grassfire" to this address: "American Flag" Offer, c/o Grassfire, P.O. Box 9095, Chesapeake, VA 23321. (internal use: gf_usflag_txt)